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Stéphane Fillion Associé/Partner Montréal

Stéphane Fillion

Partner | Labour, Employment & Human Rights Fasken
The “typical” work week keeps evolving and now tends to vary, raising several questions as to the activities employees are actually performing.
Jurisdiction Québec, 1997
Language(s) French, English
Office(s) Montréal
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Stéphane Fillion is a partner in the Labour, Employment and Human Rights Group. He practises in every area related to labour and employment law, be it collective or individual contracts of employment, human rights, labour standards, occupational health and safety, issues related to Pay Equity, the Charter of the French Language or other aspects.

Stéphane is praised for his extensive experience and reputation in the area. Stéphane is professional, extremely versatile and adapts to situations rapidly, always providing practical advice and strategies to allow clients to achieve their goals and objectives. Clients value his candour, and the respect that he transcends to business – not imposing, but rather providing guidance and ensuring his clients bests interests at all times.

When litigation is required, Stephane fiercely represents his clients before arbitrators, the Quebec Administrative Labour Tribunal, the Human Rights Tribunal of Quebec, the Superior Court, the Court of Appeal and more recently, the Supreme Court of Canada. Stéphane also has extensive experience with issues regarding pension and benefits.

Since the beginning of his practice, Stéphane has been representing several employers in the pharmaceutical sector, including medical devices.  As such, he has an in-depth knowledge of the special issues that comes into play with employers who must not only comply with Labour and Employment legislation but also, the requirements imposed by Health Authorities such as Health Canada and the Food and Drug Administration.

In addition to providing his clients with high quality day-to-day legal advice, Stéphane frequently delivers personalized training to clients on subjects such as managing disciplinary files, performance, absenteeism, psychological harassment, violence in the workplace, drug and alcohol in the workplace and many other topics.

Finally, Stéphane has been volunteering since 2016 as a director and officer of The Générations, a non-profit umbrella organization for the Tel-jeunes and LigneParents services.  Générations’ work pivots around a broad mission: creating and offering high-quality social intervention and animation, accessible to all children, young people and parents in Quebec.


Client Work

  • Supreme Court of Canada renders a significant decision interpreting subsection of the Canada Labour Code, [Case - FETCO Inc., Maritime Employers Association, Halifax Employers Association, British Columbia Maritime Employers Association and Rogers Communications Inc.]
  • Barry Callebaut renews a 6-year collective agreement for its employees, [Case - Barry Callebaut]
  • Moryoussef v. Université du Québec à Montréal, [Case - Confidential Client]
  • Triumphant milestone: Legal victory secures Carleton University's historic pension plan case, [Case - Carleton University], Landmark win for Carleton University in a pivotal private pension plan case, marking a significant legal milestone.
  • Université du Québec à Montréal c. SÉTUE, [Case - Confidential Client]
  • Justine Boulanger c. Université du Québec à Montréal (judicial review), [Case - Confidential Client]
  • F.D.L. Compagnie's multi-residential portfolio sold to CAPREIT for US$490 million, [Deal - F.D.L. Compagnie Ltée]
  • Settlement of labour conflict at Aluminerie de Bécancour ( ABI ) – Alcoa and Rio Tinto, [Case - Alcoa and Rio Tinto]

Career & Education


  • LLB University Sherbrooke


  • First Decision of the Board on the Notion of “Artist” Under the Status of the Artist Act, 9/6/2018
  • The Limits of Employees’ Freedom of Expression during Collective Bargaining | The HR Space, 5/16/2017
  • Loi 110 : un vent de changement dans le régime de négociation collective dans le secteur municipal?, 1/19/2017




  • Freedom of Association and the Right to Organize in Canada – Have we gone too far?, 5/6/2021
  • Industrial Relations Law Across the World - Current legal frameworks and trends, Chapter concerning Canada, 9/1/2019
  • Les frontières entre la vie privée et la vie professionnelle, 9/1/2013
Article, Author Industrial Relations Law Across the World - Current legal frameworks and trends, Chapter concerning Canada Wolters Kluwer Editions
Article, Co-Author Les frontières entre la vie privée et la vie professionnelle Les Cahiers de droit, Volume 54, Numéro 2–3–Juin–Septembre 2013, p. 255–275.

Speaking Engagements

  • Freedom of Association and the Right to Organize in Canada – Have we gone too far? , 5/4/2021
  • Time Theft Webinar, 11/6/2019
  • Managing excessive absenteeism: a realistic challenge?, 10/10/2018
Speaker Freedom of Association and the Right to Organize in Canada – Have we gone too far? American Bar Association Section of Labor & Employment Law, International Labor and Employment Law Committee, Midyear Meeting
Speaker Time Theft Webinar
Speaker Managing excessive absenteeism: a realistic challenge?

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