“ 25 ans d'histoire” by Pierre Gingras, Journal de Québec
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“L'Orchestre du Septième Art and its guests gave a magnificent performance in honour of those affected by cancer. The performance took place during Cancerto, a benefit gala held on November 7 at Palais Montcalm. The event was chaired by Roger Beaudry, of law firm Bernier Beaudry, Marie Carole Tétreault, of law firm Fasken Martineau, and François Lefebvre, of law firm BCF. The gala raised $55 000 for the greater Québec City chapter of the Fondation québécoise du cancer. From left to right: François Lefebvre and France Locas, Fondation québécoise du cancer; Marie Carole Tétreault and Suzanne Bonnette, Fondation québécoise du cancer; and Roger Beaudry.”