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Arthur Kitamura

Counsel | Corporate/Commercial Fasken
The Canadian market continues to attract attention from major Japanese companies.
Jurisdiction Ontario, 1967
Language(s) English
Office(s) Toronto
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Arthur Kitamura has an active corporate and commercial law practice. He provides counsel to major multinational firms, many that are headquartered in Japan and have subsidiaries across the world, including Canada and the United States.

Arthur Kitamura frequently advises on the establishment and commencement of business operations in Canada, including sales and distributions networks, the acquisition of Canadian companies, the financing of foreign-owned Canadian companies. He also assists with methods of technology transfer, including joint ventures, as well as the restructuring of foreign-owned Canadian enterprises. He also has the experience and capability to deal with legal matters including complex legal issues in Japanese.

Client Work

  • Toyotetsu Canada to build US$50 million Canadian automotive parts plant in Simcoe, Ontario, [Deal - Toyotetsu Canada]

Career & Education


  • LLB Osgoode Hall Law School at York University
  • BA University of Toronto

Memberships & Affiliations

  • Member, Canadian Bar Association
  • Member, Ontario Bar Association
  • Member, Metropolitan Toronto Lawyers Association
  • Member, Inter-Pacific Bar Association


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