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Patent and Intellectual Property Lawyer in Montreal, Christian Leblanc

Christian Leblanc

Partner | Intellectual Property Fasken
Jurisdiction Québec, 1992
Language(s) French, English
Office(s) Montréal
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Christian Leblanc is a lawyer focused in intellectual property with a focus on patents, particularly pharmaceutical patents. His practice also encompasses media, communications, and defamation law. Christian has been recognized in numerous legal directories for his exceptional understanding of the business world.

Christian represents many clients from various industries who want to protect their intellectual property and high technology rights. A seasoned litigator, Christian has acted on behalf of clients before the Supreme Court of Canada as well as courts of every level in Quebec and different administrative tribunals.

He has extensive experience in patent litigation, more specifically pharmaceutical patents. He submits Notices of Compliance during drug-approval hearings.

Christian has particular knowledge of media and communications law, and acts on behalf of some of the largest media companies in Canada in matters related to freedom of the press and freedom of speech. He also intervenes in extra-ordinary proceedings in which the media are sometimes involved, such as pre-publication bans and seizures of journalistic material. Aware of the risks of publication or media coverage, clients can count on Christian to act rapidly and critically.

Christian delivers seminars and taught at both Concordia University and the École du Barreau du Québec. He is a member of Ad Idem/Canadian Media Lawyers Association, which he chaired from 2013 to 2015, and of the Canadian Journalists for Freedom of Expression (CJFE).


Client Work

  • Fasken achieves an important gain for public right to information before the Supreme Court of Canada, [Case - Coalition of media], Litigation regarding public right to information before the Supreme Court of Canada.
  • BRP wins major lawsuit against competitor Arctic Cat, [Case - Bombardier Recreational Products Inc.]
  • La Presse and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation as interveners in an important case on free access to court records and its importance for constitutional rights, [Case - La Presse Ltée and Canadian Broadcasting Corporation/Société Radio-Canada], An important case on free access to court records and its importance for constitutional rights.
  • RAMQ Administrative investigation of Pharmaprix owner-pharmacists, [Case - Pharmaprix /Shoppers Drug Mart/Pharmaciens propriétaires]
  • Cook it Acquires MissFresh from Metro, [Deal - Cook it], Fasken advised Cook it in its acquisition of MissFresh from Metro Inc.
  • The Supreme Court of Canada issues a crucial ruling on the protection of journalistic sources, [Case - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation]
  • Janssen overturns Court of Appeal ruling to exclude Remicade from Quebec's list of medications, [Case - Janssen Inc.]
  • Intervention of the CBC in a Reference Procedure brought by the Privacy Commissioner of Canada in front of the Federal Court of Canada, [Case - CBC/Radio-Canada], Fasken was retained by CBC to intervene in a reference procedure in front of the Federal Court of Canada brought by the Privacy Commissioner of Canada.
  • CBC comments in the Privacy Commissioner of Canada’s consultation on online reputation, [Case - CBC/Radio-Canada], Fasken was retained by CBC to file comments on the Position Paper of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada in the course of the Commissioner’s consultation on online reputation.

Career & Education


  • LLB Université de Montréal

Community involvement

  • Member of the Board of Directors and Audit Committee, SAQ (Société des alcools du Québec)
  • Member of the Board of Directors, Metrocom Inc. (official company of the STM responsible for the rental of all commercial spaces in the Montréal metro)
  • Member of the Board of Directors and Audit Committee, Fondation de l’Institut du tourisme et de l’hôtellerie du Québec 
  • Member of the Board of Directors, Opéra de Montréal
  • Member of the Board of Directors, Fondation La Mosaïque

Memberships & Affiliations

  • President, Advocates in Defence of Expression in Media / Canadian media lawyers association 
  • Member, Québec Bar 
  • Member, Montreal Bar 
  • Member, Canadian Bar Association
  • Member, Ad Idem - Advocates in Defence of Media 
  • Member, Canadian Journalists for Free Expression (CJFE) 
  • Co-Chair of the France Practice Group





  • La charge de travail d’Ottawa ne peut être un obstacle à la transparence, dit LeBlanc (Available in French Only), 2/2/2024
  • Public safety minister 'struck' by extent Canada is 'net importer' of intelligence from allies, 2/2/2024
  • Ingérence: Ottawa considère intenable la révision de la confidentialité de documents (Available In French Only), 2/1/2024

Speaking Engagements

  • Advanced Administrative Law & Practice Conference , 10/27/2021
  • Will the Right to be Forgotten come to Canada?, 5/17/2018
  • Prévention, gestion et réaction en matière de cybersécurité (Cybersecurity prevention, management and response), 5/10/2017
Speaker Advanced Administrative Law & Practice Conference 21st Annual Advanced Administrative Law & Practice Conference
Prévention, gestion et réaction en matière de cybersécurité (Cybersecurity prevention, management and response) Presented at the 9th Fasken Martineau Symposium location location Montreal Palais des congrès de Montréal


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