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Dominique L'Heureux, Partner | Labour, Employment & Human Rights

Dominique L'Heureux

Partner | Labour, Employment & Human Rights Fasken
Employee motivation and commitment is a constant challenge for every employer.
Jurisdiction Québec, 1995
Language(s) French, English
Office(s) Montréal
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Ranked by several legal directories as one of Canada's leading lawyers in labour, employment and occupational health and safety law, Dominique L'Heureux is recognized foremost for the relevance of his advice and for his ability to respond quickly, efficiently and practically to complex legal issues.  

With nearly twenty-five years of experience in labour, employment and occupational health and safety law, Dominique L'Heureux is recognized as a leading lawyer in these matters. In particular, his extensive experience is valued for the negotiation of collective agreements, the arbitration of disputes, labour disputes and the pressure tactics arising therefrom, complex disputes with forensic implications, attendance management, administrative or disciplinary dismissals, issues relating to psychological harassment in the workplace, management of workplace competence, corporate reorganizations and crisis management in general.

Dominique L'Heureux represents a varied clientele, under provincial and federal jurisdiction, from various sectors of economic activity, including the health, food, retail, defence, mining, manufacturing and media sectors.

Dominique represents his clients with passion, rigour and competence before administrative tribunals specializing in labour law as well as before the civil courts. In this capacity, Dominique has successfully pleaded hundreds of cases before grievance arbitrators, before the Administrative Labour Tribunal (Occupational Health and Safety and Labour Relations Divisions) as well as before the civil courts.

He is recognized for his rigour, depth, credibility and ability to suggest practical, effective and realistic solutions to complex issues.

A distinguished speaker, Dominique is frequently called upon to give conferences or training sessions to managers from various organizations or associations.

Dominique was the co-leader of Fasken's Labour and Employment Law Group for several years.


Client Work

  • McCain Foods Limited sells a majority stake in Wong Wing Foods, [Deal - McCain Foods Limited], McCain completes its sale of a majority stake in the Wong Wing business unit.
  • Adoption of a special law ordering the return to work of thousands of employees, [Case - Major Crown corporation]
  • Acted for a major Canadian food company, [Case - Major Canadian food company]
  • Canada Post enters binding arbitration with Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW), following labour strike, [Deal - Canada Post]
  • Transition to the Digital Age: Interests Defended in the Courts for a Quebec Newspaper, [Case - Major Quebec newspaper]
  • Labour dispute in a large metallurgical company, [Case - Large metallurgical company]
  • Defending the interests of a major Quebec daily newspaper, [Case - Confidential Client]
  • Aversa and Chaussures Rallye Inc., (2009) QCCRT 0200, C.R.T., May 5, 2009, [Case - Confidential Client]
  • Dismissals for pursuing incompatible activities, [Case - Confidential Client]

Career & Education


  • LLB Université Laval

Memberships & Affiliations

  • Member, Quebec Bar
  • Member, Canadian Bar Association
  • Member, American Bar Association




Speaking Engagements

  • L'obligation d'accommodement de l'employeur lors d'un retour au travail, 11/9/2006
  • La grippe A H1N1 et la gestion des risques en entreprise
  • Le monde du travail : quand les sites de réseautage s'en mêlent
L'obligation d'accommodement de l'employeur lors d'un retour au travail Presented "L'obligation d'accommodement de l'employeur lors d'un retour au travail" at conferences of the insurance company La Munich
La grippe A H1N1 et la gestion des risques en entreprise Presented "La grippe A H1N1 et la gestion des risques en entreprise" during a conference of L'Association des seconds chefs de contentieux du Québec
Le monde du travail : quand les sites de réseautage s'en mêlent Presented "Le monde du travail : quand les sites de réseautage s'en mêlent" to the Regroupement des gestionnaires en ressources humaines de Laval

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