“Back to School” Pharma Forum
The competitive Life Sciences sector is constantly changing thanks to technological developments, changes in legislation, new business partnerships and evolving intelectual property strategies. To stay competitive, you need up-to-date legal advice targeted to meeting your business goals. As a leader in this sector, Fasken Martineau invites you to its inaugural “Back to School” Pharma Forum on September 18, 2014, in Mississauga, Ontario. This event is complimentary.
• Feeling left out? Considerations when negotiating Pan Canadian Pricing Agreements
• Are you a bad sport? Updates and current developments in competition law
• Who pays with Co-Pay Cards: The limits of patient assistance programs
• Likes and Unlikes: The limits of using Social Media to interface with patients
• Running into Vanessa’s Law: Is your Compliance Program up to snuff?
Why attend?
Presented by Canada’s leading lawyers in the life sciences sector, the “Back to School” Pharma Forum will feature relevant and interactive sessions that address current legal and regulatory issues facing brand pharma.
Who should attend?
Presidents and CEOs, CFOs and General Counsel of pharmaceutical companies as well as:
VPs/Directors of Market Access and Government Affairs
VPs/Directors of Ethics / Compliance
VPs/Directors of Regulatory
VPs/Directors of Marketing / Communications / Public Affairs
VPs/Directors of Sales
We look forward to having you and your colleagues join us in September for one of the most significant pharma events of the year. The event has passed - Registration is closed.
For more information:RSVP
Cassandra Patrick
+1 416 943 8976