Fasken Martineau's Labour, Employment, Human Rights, and Public Law group is proud to uphold its tradition of excellence in training by inviting you to this Forum.
Stay up to date on topics of current interest by attending our conferences and workshops.
Nearly 500 HR and labour relations specialists have already confirmed their participation and space is limited.
7:45 a.m. Registration and breakfast
8:30 a.m. Spotlight 2014 - Labour Relations | Details
9:15 a.m. Spotlight 2014 - Employment Law | Details
10:00 a.m. Networking break
10:30 a.m. Spotlight 2014 - Human Rights | Details
11:15 a.m. Networking break
11:30 a.m. Brain Trust | Details
12:15 p.m. Lunch
13:30 p.m. Workshops | Details
(available in French only)
- Settlements in labour and employment law claims - Some practical advice
- Social Media 2.0
- Psychological Harassment, 10 years later
- Hiring foreign workers in Québec
Note: A request to have these activities recognized as mandatory continuing education has been submitted to the Québec Bar and the Ordre des conseillers en ressources humaines agréés.
Contact person:
Steeve Nadon
514 397 5182