The Global Mining Group of Fasken Martineau, in anticipation of PDAC 2016 in Toronto, invites you to join us in any of our Canadian offices for our 6th annual Pre-PDAC Primer. The presentations are designed to prime you on topics that may be relevant to your discussions at PDAC and will continue the format of previous years: short (maximum three minutes each) and practical (one-to-three specific takeaways).
The Primer will be presented by Fasken Martineau lawyers speaking live and via video conference from each of our offices in Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, Ottawa, Montréal, Québec City, London and Johannesburg. Presentations will begin at the times indicated in the agenda below. Comestibles will be available before or after the presentations, as indicated.
- Mining Liens in BC, Yukon, NWT and Nunavut, Fergus McDonnell
- The Trans-Pacific Partnership – What it Means to Canadian Mining Companies, Martin Ferreira Pinho
- The Proposed Alberta and Nunavut Start-Up Company Securities Exemption, Sandra Malcolm
- Three Takeaways From Recent Aboriginal Case Law, Hannah Roskey
- Doing Business in Chile, Solange Gonzalez
- The New Streamlined Rights Offering Regimes, Alex Nikolic
- The TSX and TSXV Requirements for Women on Boards – Current Board Profile, Virginia Schweitzer
- Québec's Transparency Measures in the Mining, Oil and Gas Industries, Emilie Bundock
- Recent Amendments to Québec's Regulation on Mineral Substances, Martin Gagné
- The Impact of the New UK Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act on Smaller and Privately Held Companies, Tom Wexler
- Mining in Southern Africa...Where to from here?, Sabelo Dlamini
The Primer is free of charge and presented in English only.
Québec City, Montréal and Toronto
- 11:30 - 12:00 EST Registration and Lunch
- 12:00 - 13:00 EST Seminar and Q&A
- 09:30 - 10:00 MST Registration and Breakfast
- 10:00 - 11:00 MST Seminar and Q&A
- 08:30 - 09:00 PST Registration and Breakfast
- 09:00 - 10:00 PST Seminar and Q&A
This seminar is complimentary
This is an in-person seminar only
Please RSVP by filling in the form below
For More Information
Nick Fan
+1 416 868 3511