Guest Participant:
Adam Kushner, Partner, Hogan Lovells, Washington, DC.
Please join us for the Fasken Automotive Summit on June 6, 2016 from 8:30 am to 11:15 am. Come hear a variety of expert speakers address key legal issues affecting the automotive industry. You will get practical insights on issues relating to privacy, trade, contractual provisions, and the duty of good faith as they pertain specifically to the auto sector. You will also benefit from a cross-border look at dealing with emissions issues with the regulators in Canada and the US, including Environment Canada, NTHSA and the EPA . You won’t want to miss this seminar designed to keep you abreast of key developments in this dynamic sector.
The Latest on Contractual Provisions in Automotive Contracts
Mark Stinson, Partner, Fasken Martineau, Toronto
- Delivery obligations
- Warranties
- Indemnities and limitation of liability
- Tooling, moulds and other equipment bailment issues
- Dispute resolution
How Does the Duty of Good Faith Apply to the Auto Industry?
Steven Rosenhek, Partner, Fasken Martineau, Toronto
- The Supreme Court of Canada's decision
- What the duty covers and doesn’t cover
- Practical applications of the duty
- Defensive tactics
Emissions Issues: Comparison of Canadian and US Regulatory Approaches
Rosalind Cooper, Partner, Fasken Martineau, Toronto
Adam Kushner, Partner, Hogan Lovells, Washington, DC.
Steven Rosenhek, Partner, Fasken Martineau, Toronto (Moderator)
- What causes regulators to become involved
- Compliance versus enforcement
- Interpretation issues versus intentional errors
- Exposure of corporate officials
- Maneuvering the regulatory maze
Current Trends in Privacy and Cybersecurity for the Auto Industry
Alex Cameron, Partner, Fasken Martineau, Toronto
- Overview of key legal requirements
- Benchmarking privacy and cybersecurity practices
- The growing impact of data breach litigation
- Vendor agreements and contractual risk transfer
The Trans Pacific Partnership and the Canadian Auto Industry: What’s at Stake and What’s to Gain?
Peter Kirby, Partner, Fasken Martineau, Montreal
- Where we are on the road to ratification and implementation
- Market access brings new opportunities and new competitors: Immediate v. phased-in tariff cuts
- New rules are game changers: Understanding the Rules of Origin
- Learning from experience: What does the implementation of Korea’s trade agreements teach us about TPP?
- Getting Ready for TPP – Five things you can do today to prepare
- 8:30 am – 9:00 am Registration and Breakfast
- 9:00 am – 9:25 am The Latest on Contractual Provisions in Automotive Contracts
- 9:25 am – 9:50 am How Does the Duty of Good Faith Apply to the Auto Sector?
- 9:50 am – 10:30 am Emissions Issues: Comparison of Canadian and US Regulatory Approaches
- 10:30 am – 10:45 am Coffee Break
- 10:45 am – 11:10 am Current Trends in Privacy and Cybersecurity for the Auto Industry
- 11:10 am – 11:40 am The Trans Pacific Partnership and the Canadian Auto Sector: What’s at Stake and What’s to Gain?
- 11:40 am – Program Ends
For more information:
Nick Fan
Event Coordinator
+1 416 868 3511