Please join us for the Fasken Automotive Summit on June 8, 2018 from 8:30 am to 1:00 pm. We’ll help you stay ahead of the curve. Come hear our expert speakers address key legal issues at the forefront of the automotive industry. You will get practical insights on issues relating to automonous vehicles; emissions issues in the US and Canada; Ontario’s political landscape; reputation management in the age of social media; and the role of digital advocacy in government advocacy, all geared to the automotive sector.
We are also delighted to have as our lunchtime speaker, Bob Oliver (H2GO Canada) who will give an overview and status update on federal-provincial initiatives, policies and regulations to promote the development of electric vehicle technology in Canada. You won’t want to miss this event designed to keep you abreast of key developments in this dynamic sector.
Towards the Future for Autonomous Vehicles
Andrew C. Alleyne, Partner, Fasken, Toronto
Chelsey Colbert, Associate, Fasken, Toronto
- Key issues related to the autonomous vehicle data ecosystem
- Update on legislation addressing data from connected cars/autonomous vehicles
- Canadian Senate report re liability, cybersecurity and data privacy
- Other Canadian initiatives, and US and international regulatory efforts
- Liability: risk profile and insurance issues
Emissions Challenges in Canada and the United States
Rosalind Cooper, Partner, Fasken, Toronto
Raymond B. Ludwiszewski, Partner, Gibson Dunn, Washington, DC
- How each jurisdiction controls vehicle emissions
- Consequences of alleged emission violations
- Federal versus provincial/state jurisdiction
- Criminal versus civil outcomes
- Strategies for dealing with the regulator/case studies
Playing The Game When The Deck Is Stacked: Reputation Management in the Age of Social Media
Peter Downard, Partner, Fasken, Toronto
- Website operator immunity under U.S. law
- Limits and downsides of traditional litigation strategies
- Alternative strategies and internet forensics
- Managing threats to reputation before they go public
- Effective counter-messaging in the face of adverse media
Ontario’s Political Landscape and the Automotive Sector: The Impacts of the Ontario Election
Robin Edger, Associate, Fasken, Ottawa
- A next-day analysis of what happened and why
- Effect on provincial automotive policy
- Impact on the Trudeau government, provincial-federal relations and the auto industry
- Ontario and NAFTA-related negotiations
- Provincial strategies related to trade and potential effects on automotive supply chains
The Growing Role of Digital Advocacy in Government Relations
Robin Edger, Associate, Fasken, Ottawa
Kyle Macdonald, Two Capitals Consulting Inc., Ottawa
- Government relations and the art of persuasion
- The evolution of Canadian politics in the digital age
- What digital advocacy is and what it is not
- Digital advocacy in the US political landscape
- How digital advocacy is changing government relations in Canada
The Future of Electric Vehicle Technology in Canada (Lunch Topic)
Bob Oliver, CEO, H2GO Canada, Toronto
Accelerating the deployment of electric vehicle (EV) technology has recently emerged as a priority objective for federal and provincial policymakers. Consequently, the early development of the market for EVs ties in with prevailing government policy. This talk will explore the drivers of this policy focus and review the various frameworks, incentives and regulations currently at play. The implications for the future of the two main EV platforms in the market – plug-in and fuel cell – will also be considered, as will options for future public policy and private sector strategy.
- 08:30 am - 09:00 am - Registration and Breakfast
- 09:00 am - Welcome - Steven Rosenhek, Chair, Fasken Automotive Group
- 09:00 am - 09:30 am - Towards the Future for Autonomous Vehicles
- 09:30 am - 10:00 am - Emissions Challenges in Canada and the United States
- 10:00 am - 10:20 am - Break
- 10:20 am - 10:50 am - Playing The Game When The Deck Is Stacked: Reputation Management in the Age of Social Media
- 10:50 am - 11:30 am - Ontario’s Political Landscape and the Automotive Sector: An Analysis of the Impacts of the Ontario Election
- 11:30 am - 11:50 am - The Growing Role of Digital Advocacy in Government Relations
- 11:50 am - 12:00 pm - Break
- 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm - Lunch Program (The Future of Electric Vehicle Technology in Canada, Bob Oliver)
- 1:00 pm - Concluding Remarks