Over the last few years, considerable attention has been focused on the sustainability of globalization with particular emphasis on the social/labour dimension.
Governments and other stakeholders, including multinational corporations, have joined in the examination of economic globalization. One area under considerable review centres on business and human rights, especially since the passage of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (the UNGP) in 2011.
A number of developments are underway to reform globalization. One important initiative that stands out is the effort to create an International Business and Human Rights (BHR) Arbitration Tribunal to address unresolved human rights disputes arising out of international commerce.
The process around the content and design of the International BHR Arbitration Tribunal is moving towards a release date later in 2019.
This important unfolding initiative for business, including its purpose and current status, will be thoroughly canvassed and discussed during our session together on March 1, 2019.
Guest Speaker:
- Ben Chalmers, Senior VP, Mining Association of Canada
- Jonathan Drimmer, Chief Compliance Officer, Deputy General Counsel, Barrick Gold Corporation
- 07:30 - 08:00 EST Registration and Breakfast
- 08:00- 09:00 EST Seminar and Q&A
This seminar is complimentary
This is an in-person seminar only
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