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Webinar | In-Person Seminar

Best Practices for Workers' Compensation Claims Management

Labour, Employment and Human Rights Group Seminar
When (ET)
Webinar or Toronto Office
333 Bay St., Suite 2400
Bay Adelaide Centre
Toronto, ON
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Proper management of a workers' compensation claim is essential for minimizing lost time and costs associated with a work related incident. Yet, claims management continues to be a challenge for employers, particularly in the face of recent significant changes to workers' compensation regimes across Canada. This session will review employer’s legal reporting obligations and strategies for managing complex claims. Best practices for addressing common “barriers” with respect to returning injured workers to work will also be discussed.

Specific topics include:

  • What to keep in mind when reporting WSIB/WCB claims
  • Reporting and managing complex claims (i.e. occupational disease claims and traumatic mental stress claims)
  • Best practices for claims management including requirements for re-employment and co-operation, offers of suitable work
  • How to address “barriers” to return to work

Videotaping Policy: During this event, Fasken will be videotaping and broadcasting to a live audience. You may be filmed as part of the audience and seen on screen and in the archived footage.


  • 8:00 am - 8:30 am Registration and Breakfast
  • 8:30 am - 10:00 am Seminar and Q&A


You can participate in this seminar on-line via webinar, or by attending in-person at our office in Toronto

Materials and Webinar Recording: If you are unable to attend the event but wish to receive the materials and webinar recording, please click the "Materials and Webinar Recording" option at bottom of this page.


This seminar is complimentary


1.5Hours Available Via Webinar
Note: This programme contains 1 hours and 30 minutes of Substantive content for the purposes of the Law Society of Ontario's annual Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirements

Event contact

Andrea Tulloch Marketing Events Manager +1 416 868 3329


  • Richard Savage, Counsel | Labour, Employment & Human Rights, Vancouver, BC, +1 604 631 3246,
  • Cathy Chandler, Consultant | Paralegal | Labour, Employment & Human Rights, Toronto, ON, +1 416 868 7812,
  • David Marchione, Consultant | Paralegal, Toronto, ON, +1 416 868 3463,