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5G Wireless: Opportunities and Practical Challenges Facing Business and the Legal Industry

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5G wireless communications presents many sectors of the economy with tremendous opportunity to heighten efficiency, reduce costs and improve worker safety. Some of the most promising applications of 5G technology and the Internet of Things (IoT) include the ability to collect, process and efficiently transfer large data volume for analytics; ultra-reliable low-latency connections that will enable Artificial Intelligence solutions and equipment automation; real-time monitoring of remote locations and facilities for environmental, safety, and security reasons. Like many great economic opportunities, these revolutionary applications and use cases will present their share of legal challenges, and these challenges will require effective solutions that cut across legal disciplines and practices. This panel will provide a legal perspective on the opportunities and challenges associated with emerging 5G technology.

Topics will include:

  • What is 5G? Why do these lawyers care about 'faster internet'? – Paul Burbank, Associate
  • Regulatory Environment & Rollout – Leslie Milton, Partner
  • What 5G Means for Consumers & Businesses – Julia Kennedy, Partner
  • Patents & IP – Jean-Nicolas Delage, Partner and Trademark Agent, Co-Leader of the Technology, Media And Telecommunications group

Moderator: Jay Kerr-Wilson, Partner and Trademark Agent, Co-Leader of the Technology, Media And Telecommunications group


  • 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm Presentation and Q&A 


This event is only available via webinar. 

Materials and Webinar Recording
: If you are unable to attend but wish to receive the materials and webinar recording after the event, please click the "Materials and Webinar Recording" option on the registration page.
1.5Hours Available Via Webinar
The hours from this non-accredited seminar may be applied towards the 9 Substantive Hours of annual Continuing Professional Development (CPD) required by the Law Society of Ontario. For CPD/CLE in other jurisdictions, please contact your local Law Society.

Event contact

Lauren Klostermann Marketing Events Specialist +1 416 943 8976


  • Gerald (Jay) Kerr-Wilson, Partner | Trademark Agent | Intellectual Property, Ottawa, ON, +1 613 696 6884,
  • Julia Kennedy, Partner | Corporate/Commercial, Ottawa, ON, +1 613 696 6882,
  • Leslie Milton, Partner | Co-leader, Technology, Media and Telecommunications, Ottawa, ON, +1 613 696 6914,
  • Paul Burbank, Associate | Technology, Media and Telecommunications, Toronto, ON | Ottawa, ON, +1 416 865 4427,