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2020, The Year in Review: Employment Litigation

2020, The Year in Review Webinar Series
When (ET)
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While COVID-19 has distracted us from the normal business of workplace law, the courts have nonetheless been busy issuing decisions. To help ensure you don't lose track of the important court decisions, Fasken's Labour, Employment and Human Rights group invites you to attend our  "2020, The Year in Review: Employment Litigation" webinar, part of our  "2020, The Year in Review" Premier Webinar Series. During this live webinar, we will review significant employment litigation decisions from across Canada dealing with the following issues:

The Good:

  • Short notice periods are appropriate for short-service employees
  • No claims in negligence for improper workplace investigations
  • Dishonesty, disparaging emails and other misconduct that are cause for termination

The Bad:

  • When botched investigations and unfounded allegations can hurt you
  • The dangers of fixed-term employment agreements
  • Entitlements to incentive pay, stock options and commissions during the reasonable notice period

The Ugly:

  • The Waksdale decision and beyond: courts continue to whittle away termination provisions
  • Employment class action certified
  • The Ontario Securities Commission's first whistleblower reprisal case is a cautionary tale for employers


  • 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm ET / 11:00 am - 12:30 pm PT  -  Presentation and Q&A

Upcoming webinars in the series

Past webinars in the series

All of the webinars in the "2020, The Year in Review" series are only available in English.

1.5Hours Available Via Webinar
Note: This programme contains 1.5 hours of Substantive content for the purposes of the Law Society of Ontario's annual Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirements. This programme contains 1.5 hours of accredited content for the purposes of the Law Society of British Columbia’s annual Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirements. The session has been loaded as part of a series, titled Fasken’s Year in Review Webinar Series – November 2020 and will be available for claiming through the LSBC CPD website as of November 30, 2020. For CPD/CLE in other jurisdictions, please contact your local Law Society.

Event contact

Andrea Tulloch Marketing Events Manager +1 416 868 3329


  • Karen M. Sargeant, Partner | Managing Partner, Ontario, Toronto, ON, +1 416 868 3475,
  • Bonny Mak, Partner | Labour Relations and Collective Bargaining, Toronto, ON, +1 416 868 7838,
  • Magali Cournoyer-Proulx, Partner | Labour, Employment & Human Rights, Montréal, QC, +1 514 397 5266,