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Critical Minerals in the COVID-19 Era: Supply Chain and Survival

The Fasken Annual Seminar Series
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The role of critical minerals in the struggle between states has long been the stuff of Cold War intrigue: missile guidance systems, lasers, radar - all depend on critical minerals and countries carefully curated their supply. 

But the Cold War is over: scarcity introduced by COVID-19 market shocks has pushed nations into head-to-head competition over control of critical elements, extending well beyond the rare earths. In the context of supply-side risk and state-level focus on securing minerals needed to ensure the safety and security of citizens, how should miners position themselves? To what extent are governments prepared to sacrifice corporate aspiration and marketplace predictability on the altar of national good in the race to be first and best in the control of critical minerals? Will miners profit handily in this new reality or be crushed by the collision of states determined to win?  



  • Andrew House, Partner | Co-Leader, National Security, Fasken


  • 11:00 - 12:30 ET Webinar and Q&A


This webinar is complimentary


This event is only available by webinar 

1.5Hours Available Via Webinar
Note: This programme contains 1.5 hours of Substantive content for the purposes of the Law Society of Ontario annual Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirements.
This programme contains a total of 16 sessions with 24 hours of accredited content for the purposes of the Law Society of British Columbia’s annual Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirements. The session has been loaded as part of a series, titled Fasken’s PDAC 2021: Toronto Mining Conference Series – March 2021 and will be available for claiming through the LSBC CPD website as of March 12, 2021.
A confirmation of participation will be sent to you for your continuing education hours with the Barreau du Québec.
For CPD/CLE in other jurisdictions, please contact your local Law Society.

Event contact

Lauren Klostermann Marketing Events Specialist +1 416 943 8976


  • Andrew D. House, Partner | Co-Leader, National Security, Ottawa, ON | Toronto, ON, +1 613 696 6885,
  • Guy Winter, Partner | Capital Markets, London, +44 (0)20 7917 8535,