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Fasken’s Trade Secrets and Data Protection Group is proud to present this webinar. Data management has been a hot topic for several years, but what about protecting confidential information in today’s “all virtual” environment?
Join us for this Fasken Institute webinar to get an up-to-date perspective regarding both protecting trade secrets and the remedies available to deal with improper disclosure and misuse. We will review: (1) What are “trade secrets”? (2) What does the law regard as “confidential” information and what legal protections are available? (3) How can employment and other contracts be drafted to safeguard such information? (4) What relief can be obtained from the courts to deal with improper dissemination and other misuse of trade secrets?
A leading independent cybersecurity expert will join our panel of lawyers to flesh out the discussion with examples of trade secret protection measures, forensic investigations, triage steps, and advice regarding how to deal with security incidents and disputes involving trade secrets.
- 11:00 am - 12:30 pm ET - Presentation and Q&A
This program is available via webinar.
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