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Webinar | Webinar Series

Accommodations & Bona Fide Occupational Requirements: Meeting the Thresholds

Fasken’s Labour, Employment and Human Rights Group four-part EDI series
When (ET)
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EDI principles and EDI initiatives require careful planning, continuous reflection, and strategic advice. As a leader in the advisory work underlying EDI, we are at the forefront of the increasingly important dialogues around EDI initiatives. Join our four-part EDI webinar series running throughout the month of October to learn more about how to navigate the EDI journey within your organization.

All employers have a duty to accommodate employees’ needs based on the prohibited grounds of discrimination in human rights legislation. But, what are the limits of that duty to accommodate? When can an employer successfully prove that a workplace standard or rule is a bona fide occupational requirement?

This seminar provides an overview of the duty to accommodate, outlines the thresholds to prove a bona fide occupational requirement, and considers how these issues apply in real workplace situations.


In-house legal counsel (broadly), human resources professionals, compensation and benefits professionals, senior leadership, legal directors/teams, people/team managers, consultants, workplace investigators


  • 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET  Webinar and Q&A
    • 9:00 am - 10:00 am PT
    • 10:00 am - 11:00 am MT


This webinar is complimentary

Materials and Webinar Recording: If you are unable to attend the webinar but wish to receive the materials and webinar recording after, please click the "Materials and Webinar Recording" option at bottom of this page.

LSO Accredited EDI

1Hours Available Via Webinar
This program contains 1.0 EDI Professionalism Hour. Fasken has been approved as an Accredited Provider of Professionalism Content by the Law Society of Ontario.

This program contains 1.0 hour of accredited professional responsibility and ethics content for the purposes of the Law Society of British Columbia’s annual Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirements. The session has been loaded with the LSBC and is titled “Accommodations & Bona Fide Occupational Requirements: Meeting the Thresholds - October 2024”. It is available for claiming through your LSBC Member Portal.

A confirmation of participation will be sent to you for your continuing education hours with the Barreau du Québec.

For CPD/CLE in other jurisdictions, please contact your local Law Society..

Event contact

Andrea Tulloch Marketing Events Manager +1 416 868 3329


  • Andrew Dixon, Partner | Labour, Employment & Human Rights, Calgary, AB, +1 403 261 8481,
  • Rachel Younan, Partner | Labour, Employment & Human Rights, Toronto, ON, +1 416 868 3478,

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