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Webinar | Paid Training

Workers’ Compensation Claims Management

Labour, Employment & Human Rights Group, Environmental, Health and Safety Prevention Services, Occupational Health and Safety & Workers' Compensation Group
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The Workplace Safety and Insurance Act (WSIA) governs workers' compensation in Ontario. This course will introduce provincial legislation to participants and review the basics of accident reporting, managing workers' compensation claims and reducing accident costs, how decisions are made and the appeals process. Tribunal decisions will be reviewed and discussed in class. 

  • Overview of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act;
  • Understanding workers compensation benefits and how entitlement decisions are made;
  • Effective accident investigations and completing the WSIB Form 7;
  • Effective claims management and cost saving strategies;
  • Overview of the re-employment and co-operation obligations for Early and Safe Return to Work (ESRTW) and effective return to work techniques;
  • Techniques for managing challenging claims;
  • Appealing WSIB decisions and understanding the appeal process.


Operation managers, workers' compensation claims administrators, human resource managers, OHS managers, nurses, physicians, in-house legal counsel, office managers, health and safety members and representatives.


1/2 day 


This one day course costs $195 + HST per registrant.

Event contact

Joyce Ng Marketing Events Specialist +1 416 943 8894


  • Cathy Chandler, Consultant | Paralegal | Labour, Employment & Human Rights, Toronto, ON, +1 416 868 7812,