Jessy is embarking on her third year at the Peter A. Allard School of Law at the University of British Columbia. Before diving into law, she earned her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of Victoria. Prior to law school, she was part of the inaugural cohort of the Canadian Summer Research Program Opportunity (SROP) at the University of Toronto (Department of Psychology and Management), where she developed a research study investigating sense of belonging in Black and Indigenous Law Students.
Throughout her time at Allard Law, Jessy has been actively engaged in a variety of activities. She volunteered with Pro-Bono Students Canada, assisting with intakes for Access Pro Bono’s Wills Clinic. Additionally, she served as the Co-Director of Internal Events for UBC’s Black Law Student Association during the 2023-2024 academic year and contributed to the Communication Committee for the Canadian National Black Law Students Association. Jessy also dedicated her time to the Allard Law Wellbeing Team, offering snacks and wellbeing tips to fellow students during Wellbeing Wednesday events. Furthermore, she seized the opportunity to gain practical experience as a student clinician at the Rise Women’s Legal Center in downtown Vancouver.
Outside of her academic and professional pursuits, Jessy finds happiness in the simple pleasures of life. Whether it's cherishing moments with loved ones, exploring new brunch spots, or lending a hand at her church, she embraces every opportunity for connection and service. In her downtime, Jessy indulges in her love for foreign TV shows and loses herself in the captivating pages of a good book.