Joseph is a professional land use planner providing research and support on a wide range of matters pertaining to municipal and planning law, land development, real estate acquisition and transactions, and land-related litigation.
Joe frequently liaises with governmental staff and private consultants concerning development applications and related regulatory approvals. Joe was directly involved in the preparation of Land Use Planning Studies and implementing Official Plans and Secondary Plans, municipal research and studies for tourism and recreational development projects for private and public sector clients, developing proposals and attaining all necessary municipal and provincial approvals to implement these projects successfully.
He has prior experience with the private sector working on high rise mixed-use residential condominium projects and redevelopment of a brownfield site in Toronto’s Fort York Neighbourhood. He has also worked with the Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs, where he reviewed and made recommendations on Planning applications such as Official Plan and Zoning By-Law amendments, severances and plans of subdivisions and condominiums as they conformed to provincial policies and sound planning principles.