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Julie Desrosiers patent lawyer in Montreal

Julie Desrosiers

Partner | Patents and Industrial Design Fasken
A new more effective and balanced patent linkage system will ensure that results are predictable and final for the pharmaceutical industry and generic drug manufacturers.
Jurisdiction Québec, 1991
Language(s) French, English
Office(s) Montréal
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Julie Desrosiers practices intellectual property litigation. Julie regularly acts on behalf of high-tech corporations and advises clients on injunctions, seizures and proceedings to protect their intellectual property, trade secrets and strategic information.

Julie’s practice is currently focused almost exclusively on patent litigation. A seasoned litigator, she has been involved in several important patent infringement cases in the pharmaceutical sector. She appeared before the Supreme Court of Canada on behalf of the International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys and has served as counsel during various patent infringement cases ranging from helicopter landing gear to complex chemical molecules used to manufacture drugs. She has also acted in major copyright disputes resulting in precedent-setting decisions.

Widely sought for her opinion on issues concerning the patent linkage system, Julie often delivers seminars on patent litigation and is recognized for her experience by Chambers, the Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory and IAM Patent 1000.  She was recently listed in IP STARS Top 250 Women in IP and was named a Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers, a designation awarded only to the best litigators who have also demonstrated very highest standards of trial advocacy, ethical conduct, integrity, professionalism and collegiality.

Chambers Canada mention that Julie "is respected for her impressive ability in international patent litigation.

Julie is a member of the board of directors of the firm.


Client Work

  • Equisoft Sues For Breach Of Commercial Secrets In Front Of The Quebec Superior Court, [Case - Equisoft Inc.], Equisoft files a lawsuit against Protégez-vous for breach of commercial secrets.
  • Constitutional challenge in the Superior Court of Québec attacking controversial amendments to the Patented Medicines Regulations and the validity of the existing PMPRB regime under the Patent Act, [Case - Merck Canada Inc., Janssen Inc., Servier Canada Inc., Boehringer Ingelheim Canada Ltd/Ltée, Bayer Canada Inc., Theratechnologies Inc., and an additional (Confidential) pharmaceutical company], Constitutional challenge in the Superior Court of Québec.
  • Janssen overturns Court of Appeal ruling to exclude Remicade from Quebec's list of medications, [Case - Janssen Inc.]
  • Interlocutory injunction against and, [Case - Applicants]
  • FICPI represented at Supreme Court hearing regarding “Promise Doctrine”, [Case - International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys (FICPI)]
  • The Supreme Court rejects the “promise of the patent” doctrine and redefines the utility requirement for inventions patented in Canada, [Deal - International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys (FICPI)]
  • AstraZeneca v. Apotex and FICPI - esomeprazole patent SCC patent infringement, [Case - Confidential Client]
  • Apotex Inc. v. H. Lundbeck A/S, [Case - Lundbeck]
  • Counselled Eurocopter in regards to Bell Textron, [Deal - Eurocopter]

Career & Education


  • LLB, BCL Université de Montréal

Memberships & Affiliations

  • Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers





  • Secrets commerciaux de tiers : la protection passe aussi par vos employés (Available in French only), 5/11/2021
  • Canada and EU Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) reached in principle: What is the impact on pharmaceutical patents?, 11/1/2013
  • The law of trade secrets in Quebec and in Canada: A pragmatic approach, 8/15/2008
Article Canada and EU Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) reached in principle: What is the impact on pharmaceutical patents?
Article The law of trade secrets in Quebec and in Canada: A pragmatic approach

Speaking Engagements

  • Business Issues: Future Outlook, 4/28/2015
  • CETA Issues: Canadian and Non-Canadian Pharmaceutical IP Regimes Comparison, 11/26/2013
  • Too much? Too little? Just right& Increased scrutiny of the description and the Goldilocks syndrome, 9/26/2013
Business Issues: Future Outlook Plenary - 7th Fasken Martineau Symposium location location Montreal
CETA Issues: Canadian and Non-Canadian Pharmaceutical IP Regimes Comparison Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) Information Seminar


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