How to sign documents remotely using DocuSign and Fasken Edge
If you need to obtain signatures, please consider our e-signature solution, DocuSign, which lets your Fasken team send documents out for e-signature. In most cases, recipients can sign from anywhere and track status easily. This video showcases the solution.
DocuSign e-signatures comply with the U.S. ESIGN Act and UETA, as well as the EU eIDAS Regulation. Although Canada does not have specific technology requirements or e-signature types with special legal status, DocuSign can be used for most general business use cases as an alternative to physical signing in Canada, and e-signatures are generally court-admissible.
Please note that some document types (including land conveyances, guarantees, powers of attorney, and wills) are specifically barred from digital or electronic processes, as are requirements such as handwritten (e.g. wet ink) signatures, formal notarial processes or witness requirements. More information can be found on the DocuSign website . In addition, using DocuSign for consumer transactions may involve additional risk. Please check with your Fasken team whether e-signatures are appropriate for each use case (as some of the restrictions on document types vary by province).
Fasken Edge - an integrated solution
If you are a member of Fasken Edge, our digital collaboration platform, you can send documents out for signature using the DocuSign integration. Our support team can help you with this (+1 514 286 0671 / email).
If you would like to learn more about how you can use DocuSign, or start using Fasken Edge, please contact Robert Garmaise, Chief Innovation Officer or Peter Stovall, Director of Innovation.