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Daily Workplace Wrap-up on COVID-19 for July 22, 2020

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Labour, Employment & Human Rights Bulletin

Below are the key government announcements made on July 22, 2020 that touch on workplace issues. 

The Federal Government

There were no major government updates as of 5:00 p.m. E.D.T. on July 22, 2020.


The Calgary City Council has voted in favour of implementing a temporary face coverings bylaw effective on August 1, 2020. The bylaw will require individuals to wear a face covering while on public transit, in public vehicles (e.g. taxis, ride sharing vehicles) and in all public indoor spaces.

The bylaw, currently in draft form, is anticipated to apply to retail stores, shopping malls, recreation centres, and public common spaces in office buildings. Business operators will be required to display signage in public entryways of the business or vehicle, informing attendees of the bylaw. The bylaw is not anticipated to apply to private homes, daycares, or schools.

Exceptions to the face coverings bylaw are anticipated to include:

  • Children under 2 years of age;
  • People with underlying medical conditions or disabilities inhibiting their ability to wear a face covering;
  • People who are unable to place, use or remove a face covering safely without assistance;
  • People who are eating or drinking at a public premise that offers food or beverage services;
  • People engaging in an athletic or fitness activity;
  • People who are caregiving for or accompanying a person with a disability where wearing a face covering would hinder the accommodation of the person's disability; and
  • People who have temporarily removed their face covering where doing so is necessary to provide or receive a service (for example, a visit to the dentist).

A final version of the bylaw will be reviewed and passed by City Council next week.

British Columbia

The government extended the provincial state of emergency for a period of 14 days effective July 21, 2020.

The Ministry of Health and the BC Centre for Disease Control have issued guidance (PDF) for faith-based organizations on how to prevent COVID-19 transmission.


There were no major government updates as of 5:00 p.m. E.D.T. on July 22, 2020.

New Brunswick

The government announced that its Education and Early Childhood Development Department will be investing $7 million to improve equitable access to technology, and another $5 million in infrastructure to support the province's new personalized, collaborative and tech-based learning model at high schools.

As part of this model, high school students will be expected to bring their own electronic device to school in September 2020. The government has also launched a subsidy program of up to $600 per high school student for eligible students from low- and middle-income families who do not own a device. Applications may be made beginning on July 31, 2020 through the online Parent Portal.

Newfoundland and Labrador

There were no major government updates as of 5:00 p.m. E.D.T. on July 22, 2020.

Nova Scotia

The province released the Back to School Plan (PDF), which sets out measures for the return of students to school on September 8, 2020. Among other things, the Plan outlines the following:

  • classrooms will be reorganized to increase spacing;
  • a class will be treated as a bubble, to minimize contact with other students;
  • cleaning on school buses will be enhanced. All school bus riders and drivers will need to wear a mask;
  • all staff and students in high school will be required to wear a mask in school spaces where social distancing is not possible, such as in hallways and common areas. Students and staff will not have to wear a mask in class, unless they want to, or if they are working with a student whose individual program plan requires a mask be worn;
  • regular handwashing or hand sanitizing by students and staff before entering school for classes and throughout the day;
  • the cancellation of in-school assemblies and other large gatherings; and
  • the delivery of food to students by cafeterias and school food programs. Students will eat lunch at their desks.


The government announced that the legislature passed Bill 195 enacting the Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19) Act, 2020, which will come into force on July 24, 2020, the date on which the declared state of emergency in the province terminates.  The Act, available here:

● continues emergency orders in effect under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act (the "EMCPA") for an initial 30 days;

●   allows the Lieutenant Governor in Council (or a Minister to whom the power is delegated) to further extend these orders for up to 30 days at a time, as required;

●  allows the Lieutenant Governor in Council to amend certain emergency orders continued under the EMCPA if the amendment relates to:

 labour redeployment or workplace and management rules;

○ closure of places and spaces or regulation of how businesses and establishments can be open to provide goods or services in a safe manner;

○ compliance with public health advice; or

○ rules related to gatherings and organized public events;

●  does not allow new emergency orders to be created;

●  allows emergency orders to be rescinded when it is safe to do so; and

●  limits the ability to extend and amend orders to one year, unless extended by the legislature. 

Prince Edward Island

There were no major government updates as of 5:00 p.m. E.D.T. on July 22, 2020.


There were no major government updates as of 5:00 p.m. E.D.T. on July 22, 2020.


The government announced that it extended the provincial State of Emergency (PDF), effective July 22, 2020.

Northwest Territories, Nunavut, and the Yukon

There were no major government updates in Nunavut, Yukon or the Northwest Territories as of 5:00 p.m. E.D.T. on July 22, 2020.

Contact the Authors

For more information or to discuss a particular matter please contact us.

Contact the Authors


  • Matthew Allard, Associate | Labour, Employment & Human Rights, Vancouver, BC, +1 604 631 4779,
  • Sophie Arseneault, Partner | Labour, Employment & Human Rights, Ottawa, ON, +1 613 696 6904,
  • Megan Beal, Partner | Labour, Employment & Human Rights, Toronto, ON, +1 416 865 5442,
  • Marie-Gabrielle Bélanger, CIRC, Partner | Labour, Employment & Human Rights, Montréal, QC, +1 514 397 7653,
  • Andrew Dixon, Partner | Labour, Employment & Human Rights, Calgary, AB, +1 403 261 8481,
  • Laura Epplett, Associate | Labour, Employment & Human Rights, Toronto, ON, +1 416 868 3337,
  • Valérie Gareau-Dalpé, Partner | Labour, Employment & Human Rights, Montréal, QC, +1 514 397 5248,
  • Rhonda Grintuch, Partner | Labour, Employment & Human Rights, Montréal, QC, +1 514 397 5240,
  • Marc Rodrigue, Partner | Labour, Employment & Human Rights, Toronto, ON, +1 416 865 4518,
  • Gillian Round, Partner | Labour, Employment & Human Rights, Toronto, ON, +1 416 865 5469,
  • Rachel Younan, Partner | Labour, Employment & Human Rights, Toronto, ON, +1 416 868 3478,

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