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Fasken's 2024 Insolvency Insights

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Insolvency and Restructuring Bulletin

Case Trends

Economic challenges continued to strain businesses across sectors and industries, leading to an increase in corporate insolvency filings and resulting in the highest volume of business insolvencies since 2010. This resulted in a number of developments in insolvency across a range of topics, including addressing legal doctrines (corporate attribution and marshalling), dealing with environmental liabilities, further developments regarding reverse vesting orders, and others. A summary of these cases, as well as other interesting insolvency cases identified by Fasken’s National Insolvency & Restructuring Group, is below.

Legislative Update

Through the Financial Protection for Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Farmers Act, unpaid suppliers of perishable fruits and vegetables will now have a deemed trust in insolvency proceedings, having received Royal Assent on December 12, 2024. Additionally, while not a legislative development per se, the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy issued a formal position that Reverse Vesting Orders cannot be used to avoid fines, penalties, restitution orders and other similar orders imposed by a court in respect of an offence in insolvency proceedings. And in BC, the Money Judgment Enforcement Act ("the Act") will come into force by regulation. The Act will establish a “money judgment registry” that is similar to the BC personal property registry. Fasken’s full summary of this legislation is available here.

On the Horizon

We await the decision from the Supreme Court of Canada on whether they will grant leave to appeal to the Province of British Columbia in the matter of Peakhill Capital, discussed below. We also await the outcome of several provincial appellate decisions, including from Alberta regarding the ability to vest off interests in land as part of a reverse vesting order (NewGrange) and whether the exceptions to the “single debtor rule” will be expanded under the doctrine of marshalling (Griffon Partners).

Key Canadian Insolvency Cases for 2024

Case  Key Takeaways

Poonian v British Columbia (Securities Commission), 2024 SCC 28.

The Supreme Court of Canada (“SCC”) held that a bankrupt may be discharged from an obligation to pay administrative penalties, including those ordered by a provincial securities regulator, but cannot be discharged from an obligation to pay a disgorgement order based on its fraudulent conduct. The Court clarified the inability of Canadian Courts to discharge specific types of debts pursuant to section 178(1) of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (“BIA”) for reasons of public policy. Applying the previously adopted three-part test for section 178(1)(e), the majority held that the disgorgement order could not be discharged as there was a direct causal relationship between the debt and the bankrupts’ fraudulent conduct; however, the administrative penalties were a product of an administrative tribunal’s decision and not directly caused by the bankrupts’ fraudulent conduct and could therefore be discharged by bankruptcy.
Aquino v Bondfield Construction Co, 2024 SCC 31 and Scott v Golden Oaks Enterprises Inc, 2024 SCC 32. The SCC addressed the corporate attribution doctrine on two occasions over the past year in insolvency proceedings.

First, in Aquino, the SCC reaffirmed that corporate attribution cannot be applied as a one-size-fits-all doctrine, but instead requires a purposive, contextual, and pragmatic application to give effect to the underlying policy goals of the law under which attribution is sought. The typical fraud and no benefit exceptions to corporate attribution do not apply to claims advanced under section 96 of the BIA as allowing these exceptions would undermine the purpose of the provision. The test for corporate attribution under section 96 is then whether i) the person was a directing mind, and ii) their actions occurred within the scope of their corporate responsibility. The Court determined that the fraudulent intent of the debtor companies’ principal could be attributed to the companies themselves to establish an intent to defeat, defraud, or delay their creditors.

In the companion case of Golden Oaks, the SCC considered whether corporate attribution could be used to impute the debtor company with the knowledge of its sole shareholder and director to determine the applicable limitation period for claims against investors for improper payments. The Court held that the principles of corporate attribution stated in Aquino could be applied to a one-person corporation. Using the doctrine to attribute the knowledge of the principal to the company would not have furthered the purposes of the Limitation Act (Ontario) in the given circumstances, and the Trustee’s claims against the investors could proceed.
British Columbia v Peakhill Capital Inc, 2024 BCCA 246. The BC Court of Appeal confirmed that Canadian courts have the jurisdiction to make a reverse vesting order (“RVO”) in receivership proceedings pursuant to section 243(1)(c) of the BIA. Such provision allows the court to make any order it considers advisable in a receivership, provided the exercise of such power is incidental to a receiver’s power to liquidate assets and maximize creditor recoveries.

The Province of British Columbia has sought leave to appeal this decision to the SCC.

Fasken’s full summary of the decision in Peakhill is available here.
Bank of Montreal v. Haro-Thurlow Street Project Limited Partnership, 2024 BCSC 47. The BC Supreme Court clarified and commented on the approach to receiverships involving real estate assets.

The debtor owned a development property in downtown Vancouver. BMO sought appointment of a receiver, relying on its mortgage and personal property security. The debtor and most of the guarantors opposed the appointment arguing, among other things, real estate assets require a redemption period and ought to follow foreclosure practice.

The BC Court rejected this argument and confirmed that, where the lender opts to seek a receivership order, the right to redeem is one factor to be considered, but the test remains whether it is "just and convenient" to appoint a receiver. In considering the right to redeem, the question is the amount of time to be afforded, recognizing that the equity of redemption is not extinguished until the court approves a sale.
Qualex-Landmark Towers Inc v 12-10 Capital Corp, 2024 ABCA 115. The Alberta Court of Appeal overturned the lower Court’s decision, which had granted a prejudgment attachment order for the estimated costs to conduct environmental remediation on the Plaintiff’s lands (such contamination allegedly caused by the defendant), and elevated the priority of that attachment order so that it would be paid from the proceeds of the sale of the defendant’s lands ahead of previously registered mortgages.

In overturning this prior decision, the Court reaffirmed the priority for distributions from proceeds of the sale of lands as set out in Alberta’s Land Titles Act and Civil Enforcement Act. The Court also affirmed that private citizens cannot step into the shoes of a regulator respecting environmental enforcement, unless legislation expressly provides for the right to do so.

Fasken’s full summary of the decision in Qualex is available here.
Invico Diversified Income Limited Partnership v NewGrange Energy Inc, 2024 ABKB 214.

The Alberta Court of King’s Bench allowed a gross overriding royalty (“GOR”) to be vested out of a debtor company’s estate pursuant to a reverse vesting order, on the basis that the GORs in question were merely contractual rights and not proper interests in land. NewGrange successfully sought leave to appeal this decision, and the appeal has been set for the fall of 2025.

Fasken’s full summary of the decision in NewGrange is available here.

Re Griffon Partners Operation Corp, 2024 ABKB 277.

The Alberta Court of King’s Bench considered the applicability of the doctrine of marshalling and specifically declined to expand the exceptions to the single debtor rule under the doctrine. This case involved a debtor indebted to both senior and subordinate creditors, with an affiliated corporate entity having granted a guarantee and share security solely to the senior creditors. The subordinate creditor tried to invoke the doctrine of marshalling to compel the senior creditors to exhaust their recourse under the affiliate guarantee and share pledge, before realizing on the proceeds of their shared security. This order of realization would have resulted in sufficient funds to satisfy the obligations of the senior creditors and at least some of the obligations of the subordinate creditor. However, the Court held that both the affiliate guarantor’s lack of obligations to the subordinate creditor and its relationship with the primary debtor did not support engaging the doctrine of marshalling.

The subordinate creditor successfully sought leave to appeal this decision, and the appeal is anticipated to be heard in early 2025.

Fasken’s full summary of the decision in Griffon Partners is available here.
Re Delta 9 Cannabis Inc, 2024 ABKB 657.

The Alberta Court of King’s Bench declined to grant a creditor’s meeting order under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (Canada) (“CCAA”) to allow affected creditors to vote on a proposed plan of arrangement and compromise. Despite such orders being routinely granted in CCAA proceedings, the Court found there to be unique circumstances present that required it to exercise its discretion to deny the order. Specifically, the proposed plan would impact the rights of a senior secured creditor, however, that creditor had not been afforded a right to vote on the plan. The plan also contemplated a treatment of the creditor’s debt which was materially different from the treatment considered in the Court-endorsed restructuring term sheet and previous Court orders. As such, the plan was not proposed in a fair and transparent manner, and it would not pass the sanction test.

Fasken’s full summary of the decision in Delta 9 is available here.

BP Canada Energy Group ULC v Canadian Overseas Petroleum Limited et al, 2024 ABCA 190. The Alberta Court of Appeal denied a senior creditor leave to appeal an order approving a sale and investment solicitation process and stalking horse purchase agreement (“SHPA”) in the proceedings of an oil and gas company under the CCAA.

The Appellate Court held that section 36(6) of the CCAA did not apply to the SHPA upholding the lower Court’s differentiation between proceeds of asset sales and the assumption of liabilities. The application of section 36(6) in such case would stretch its application beyond reasonable limits and disrupt established insolvency practices. The Court further found that the SHPA did not constitute a roll-up transaction as it did not reorder creditor priorities by securing pre-petition debt with post-petition priorities.

The decision also highlighted the potential negative affects of granting leave to appeal in restructuring processes.

Fasken’s full summary of the decision in COPL is available here.
Waygar Capital Inc. v Quality Rugs of Canada Limited, 2024 ONSC 2486. The Ontario Superior Court of Justice rectified the terms of the Initial Order and Amended and Restated Initial Order (collectively, the “Initial Orders”) granted in the debtors’ CCAA proceeding to clarify the priority of a court-ordered charge in favour of certain suppliers of the debtors (the “Suppliers” and the “Suppliers’ Charge”).

The debtor was a flooring contractor for residential and commercial markets. The Suppliers asserted trust claims against the debtor’s accounts receivable, based on s. 8 of Ontario’s Construction Act. The Initial Orders had granted various charges (not the Suppliers’ Charge) based on Ontario’s Commercial List Template CCAA Initial Order Form (the “Template”) that each ranked in priority to all other security interests, liens, charges, encumbrances, and claims of secured creditors (the “Super Priority Charges”); however, in drafting the Initial Orders the debtors and the monitor had mistakenly omitted “trusts” from the types of claims that would be subordinated to the Super Priority Charges notwithstanding that they are expressly included in the Template.

The Suppliers sought a declaration that the Super Priority Charges were subordinate to their trust claims which were secured by the Suppliers’ Charge, while the beneficiaries of the Super Priority Charges requested that the Initial Orders be rectified to re-insert the word “trusts” into the Initial Order, so that they ranked in priority to the Suppliers’ Charge.

In rectifying the Initial Orders, the Court noted that: (i) the deletion of “trust” from the Initial Orders was inadvertent; (ii) all parties (including the Court) understood at the time the Initial Orders were granted that the Super Priority Charges would rank in priority to trust claims; and (iii) the Suppliers had not adduced any evidence demonstrating actual prejudice that would be suffered if the Initial Orders were rectified.
Endorsement of the Honourable Justice Osborne ITMO Pride Group Holdings Inc. et al, Ontario Superior Court of Justice (Commercial List), Court File No. CV-24-00717340-00CL, September 26, 2024.

Endorsement of the Honourable Justice Osborne ITMO Pride Group Holdings Inc. et al, Ontario Superior Court of Justice (Commercial List), Court File No. CV-24-00717340-00CL, September 26, 2024.

In the lengthy CCAA proceedings involving the Pride Group, a transportation and shipping logistics company, the Ontario Superior Court declined to approve the company’s proposed funding mechanism for the wind-down of its operations, in circumstances where the interim financing facility was fully drawn and matured. The debtor companies, supported by the Monitor and certain secured lenders, sought approval of a funding contribution and orderly wind-down order, which would have compelled the “Securitization Parties” to fund a proportionate share of the Pride Group’s wind-down expenses. The Pride Group argued that the required funding was in effect an advance payment mechanism of the allocation of the costs of the CCAA proceedings, proceedings in which the Securitization Parties continued to benefit from by the turnover of significant asset pools to them.

The Court disagreed, holding that to grant such an order would be in violation of s. 11.01(b) of the CCAA which provides that “[n]o order made under section 11…has the effect of…requiring the further advance of money or credit.” The Court found that the Securitization Parties were in a different position than secured creditors due to the nature of their agreements, which generally implemented a structure giving them a proprietary interest in the Pride Group’s portfolio assets. Such interests were expressly removed from the definition of “Property” of the debtors, and not subject to the Court-ordered super-priority charges.

Endorsement of the Honourable Justice Conway in Government of Yukon v Victoria Gold Corp., Ontario Superior Court of Justice (Commercial List), Court File No. CV-24-00725681-00CL, August 14, 2024.

Endorsement of the Honourable Justice Conway in Government of Yukon v Victoria Gold Corp., Ontario Superior Court of Justice (Commercial List), Court File No. CV-24-00725681-00CL, August 14, 2024.

The court granted the application by the Government of Yukon to appoint a receiver over Victoria Gold Corp. pursuant to s. 101 of the Ontario Courts of Justice Act, on the basis that it was “just and convenient to do so”. The receiver was appointed to undertake remediation work resulting from a heap leach failure at the company’s gold mine located in the Yukon. The receivership order also granted the receiver the power to borrow up to $50 million from the Government of Yukon in order to fund the remediation work, and such borrowings were granted a super-priority charge, having priority over the company’s existing secured lending syndicate. The receivership order was made over the objections of the company and the lending syndicate, both of whom requested an adjournment of the Government’s application, which was brought on only one days’ notice. The company pleaded that it intended to pursue an application for creditor protection pursuant to the CCAA. The syndicate lenders sought time to argue the super-priority charge on a proper record, including in respect of the availability of surety bonds to pay the costs of remediation for which the Government of Yukon proposed to advance funds to the receiver on a super-priority basis. The court declined the requested adjournment, finding that it was indicative of the fact that the company itself had recognized it was unlikely to have the financial resources necessary to repair the damage, and that the environmental ramifications were significant and work could not be delayed in that respect.

Arrangement relatif à Endoceutics Inc, 2024 QCCS 1482. The Superior Court of Québec refused to allow a debtor in CCAA proceedings to disclaim a contract involving intellectual property rights. The debtor company, Endoceutics Inc. held the licensing rights to a pharmaceutical product distributed worldwide through local distributors. Through the restructuring, Endoceutics sold its production plant to a third-party company owned by former employees, while its intellectual property was transferred to Cosette Pharmaceutical Inc. (“Cosette”). Pursuant to the agreement with Cosette, if Endoceutics successfully disclaimed its distribution agreement with a US distributor, Cosette would pay an additional $10 million. Endoceutics thus issued a disclaimer and also a notice of default with respect to the distribution agreement.

The Court held that the debtor had failed to establish that the restructuring would be more successful with the disclaimer than it would without, since, among other things, the transaction preserving the debtor’s operations and continued employment for employees occurred prior to the debtor sending its disclaimer notice.

Additionally, the Court considered the implications of s. 32(6) of the CCAA for the first time in Canada. That provision provides that “the resiliation does not affect the party’s right to use the intellectual property – including the party’s right to enforce an exclusive use […], as long as the party continues to perform its obligations under the agreement in relation to the use of the intellectual property.” The Court found that even if Endoceutics disclaimer had been successful, the US distributor would have continued to have the right of use previously granted to it, and potentially the right to enforce exclusive use, as it continued to comply with its contractual obligations to Endoceutics.
Judgment of the Honourable Justice Collier ITMO Former Gestion Inc. et al, Superior Court of Québec, Action No. 500-11-063779-249. The Superior Court of Québec held that the Wage Earner Protection Program Act (“WEPPA”) applies to former employees of a company that were terminated prior to a restructuring conducted pursuant to a RVO.

The Attorney General of Canada (“AGC”) opposed the relief, arguing that s 3.2 of WEPPA requires that, for a former employee to qualify for benefits under WEPPA, its former employer must be wound down or liquidated as part of a restructuring. The AGC argued that the RVO did not wind down or liquidate the former employer, and therefore the former employees were not entitled to benefits under WEPPA, notwithstanding their employment was terminated as part of an insolvency restructuring.

The Court disagreed and held that WEPPA is remedial legislation intended to provide protection to workers who suffer lost wages because of a bankruptcy or restructuring. The Court further held that there is no requirement that a former employer be liquidated or wound up as part of a restructuring. If an employee is owed eligible wages by a former employer at the time the former employer terminates all its employees, the terminated employees will be entitled to benefits under WEPPA, irrespective of whether the former employer’s liabilities are addressed by way of RVO.

Contact the Authors

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Contact the Authors


  • Jessica Cameron, Partner | Insolvency & Restructuring, Calgary, AB, +1 403 261 9468,
  • Lisa Hiebert, Partner | Litigation and Dispute Resolution, Vancouver, BC, +1 604 631 4977,
  • Stuart Brotman, Partner | Leader, Insolvency & Restructuring, Toronto, ON, +1 416 865 5419,
  • Robyn Gurofsky, Partner | Insolvency & Restructuring, Calgary, AB, +1 403 261 9469,
  • Haroon Laher, Partner | Insolvency & Restructuring, Johannesburg, +27 11 586 6025,
  • Marc-André Morin, Partner | Insolvency & Restructuring, Montréal, QC, +1 514 397 5131,
  • Luc Béliveau, Partner | Insolvency & Restructuring, Montréal, QC | London, +1 514 397 4336,
  • Kibben Jackson, Partner | Litigation and Dispute Resolution, Vancouver, BC, +1 604 631 4786,


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