Lesley Morphet is a leading competition lawyer in South Africa and heads the South African Competition Law practice. She advises on all aspects of competition law, including merger notifications, leniency applications, exemption applications, managing dawn raids and compliance. She has been involved in many complex merger filings as well as prohibited practice investigations, including in relation to cartel cases in the cement, tyre, automotive and banking industries, amongst others.
Drawing on her extensive experience in this field, as well as her knowledge of the competition laws of many African countries, clients rely on Lesley’s specialised knowledge and expertise including in relation to multi-jurisdictional merger notifications in South Africa and across the African continent. She has successfully navigated highly complex and technical competition law matters across multiple African jurisdictions for international clients.
Her extensive experience spans across a range of sectors, including mining, forestry and agro-processing, manufacturing, power and electricity, healthcare, media, liquid fuels, aviation, banking, insurance, and information technology.
Lesley has been recommended in Chambers Global, IFLR1000, Legal 500, and The International Who’s Who for competition law and antitrust.
Clients describe Lesley as “dedicated and accessible” as well as “eager to assist and knowledgeable”. In addition she is praised for “her advice is always sound. She has a good working knowledge of our company and we’ve always found her very reliable, both in terms or the advice she gives, and also in her ability to turn things around quickly and be available when needed”.
She is on the editorial board of the IBA publication Competition Law International, as well as being the South African contributing editor to the Australian Journal of Competition and Consumer Law (AJCCL) since 2013.