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Louis Thomas Bélanger | Articling Student in Montréal

Louis Thomas Bélanger

Associate | Labour, Employment & Human Rights Fasken
Jurisdiction Québec, 2018
Language(s) French, English
Office(s) Montréal
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Louis Thomas Bélanger is an associate within the Labour, Employment and Human Rights law group. Louis Thomas’ practices focus on various aspects of labour, such as human rights, employment, legal obligations, labour relations and collective bargaining, among others.


Louis Thomas joined the Fasken team in June 2018 after completing his professional training at the Barreau du Québec.


Throughout his studies at the Université de Sherbrooke, Louis Thomas was very involved in the life of the faculty and joined a number of committees. He also studied for a semester at the Université de Montpellier in France.


Apart from the law, Louis Thomas is an enthusiastic practitioner of downhill skiing, ice hockey and golf. He loves to travel and has also played an instrument for many years.


Client Work

  • Sasha Digiulian and al. c. Patricia Ann Green, ès qualités, and al., [Case - Confidential Client], Dispute regarding the will of deceased. Preliminary motion regarding declinatory exception to the competency of the superior Court of Québec on property situated out of the province as this was an estate where assets were located in various countries.
  • Veolia Canada negotiates a single collective agreement applying to 15 different workplaces throughout Québec, covering approximately 500 workers, [Case - Veolia Canada], Veolia is the world’s leading provider of environmental solutions and has activities in three main service and utility areas: water management, waste management and energy services.
  • Fasken's expertise for increased food security in Quebec, [Case - Moisson Rive-Sud and Resto Plateau]
  • Collective agreement negotiations for Stella-Jones’ 250 workers, [Case - Stella-Jones Inc.], As North America’s premier provider of pressure-treated wood products, Stella-Jones boasts 2, 000 employees globally, has 35+ plants spanning North America, generates $1.9B in annual sales and maintains an average $700M inventory.

Career & Education


  • LLB University Sherbrooke





  • Commentaire sur la décision Succession de D'Iorio – Liquidation successorale : des allégations d'indignité insuffisantes pour freiner le transfert de biens au légataire (Available in French only), 6/1/2021
  • Preparing A Will During COVID-19 In Quebec - Adaptative Rules, 6/15/2020

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