The Lawyer’s Daily quotes Toronto lawyers Daniel Brock and Janet Howard in an article about the launch from Fasken ‘s new hydrogen energy advisory team.
Co-leading Fasken’s new H2EAT initiative are Daniel Brock and Janet Howard.
“Canada and the world are moving inexorably toward a carbon-neutral future,” he’s quoted as saying in the press release. “And there is no pathway to net zero that does not include hydrogen energy and fuel-cell technologies at its core,” he said. “Fasken understands the complexities of our transition to clean energy and the challenges of creating strong and active markets for clean hydrogen. Solving intractable problems, overcoming regulatory barriers, unlocking government support and creating real value for businesses in hydrogen energy, hydrogen supply chains and hydrogen technology is our focus and our expertise.”
Howard added: “Conventional energy producers, transportation companies, and power suppliers are making substantial investments in hydrogen to promote reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, and the entrepreneurial economy is capitalizing on a host of new technologies deploying hydrogen conversion. Meanwhile, the U.S. and Canadian governments will add major stimulus packages to advance green energy programs — companies deploying and using hydrogen fuel will be well advantaged and supported by these packages.”