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Nicholas Carmichael Toronto Lawyer

Nicholas Carmichael

Associate | Litigation and Dispute Resolution Fasken
Jurisdiction Ontario, 2015
Language(s) English
Office(s) Toronto
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Nicholas Carmichael maintains a broad commercial litigation and dispute resolution practice, with an emphasis on product liability, breach of contract, insurance and professional negligence matters. Nicholas has represented clients across a wide range of industries, including automotive, railway, pharmaceutical, medical devices, mining, insurance and veterinarian health.

Nicholas has extensive experience representing clients at the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, such as contested motions, summary judgement motions, applications, pre-trial conferences and trials. He has negotiated resolutions on behalf of his clients at numerous mediations. He has appeared before private arbitrators and specialized tribunals, including the License Appeal Tribunal and the Landlord Tenant Board.

When not practising law, Nicholas enjoys cooking, playing tennis and following politics and international events.


Client Work

  • Representing Allergan in class actions and mass tort individual lawsuits relating to breast implants, [Case - Allergan]

Career & Education


  • JD Dalhousie University
  • BA, Histrory Concordia University




Speaking Engagements

  • Insight for IME Experts: Best Practices for Production Requests, 5/8/2019
Speaker Insight for IME Experts: Best Practices for Production Requests Association of independent Assessment Centres (AIAC) location location Concord, ON, Canada


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