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Advising and representing a major pension fund in connection with various complaints made to the Pension Funds Adjudicator.

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Lead attorney advising and representing a major pension fund, in connection with: various complaints made to the Pension Funds Adjudicator; the preparation and approval of the Fund’s surplus apportionment scheme; the application to the High Court to set aside the scheme; the preparation and approval of a revised surplus apportionment scheme; High Court litigation with service providers and the settlement of that litigation; the implementation of the surplus apportionment scheme, including dealing with and advising on numerous issues relating to the claims of individuals; preparing for the winding up of the Fund (including settling rule amendments, the appointment of the liquidator and issues arising in connection with the liquidation); and recovery of amounts overpaid to former members as a result of errors in the original scheme, including High Court litigation with an overpaid member. Fasken Martineau advised the major pension fund with a team led by Nigel Carman.


  • Nigel Carman, Counsel | Pensions and Benefits, Johannesburg, +27 11 586 6017,