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Client Work

Funds and individuals advised on various issues, including litigation in connection with an outsourcing project

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Confidential Client

Lead attorney in advising a number of funds and individuals in connection with various issues including, amongst other things, the allocation of future surplus, fidelity insurance and trustee indemnification, reorganisation and winding-up of retirement funds, surplus apportionment issues, divorce orders and High Court litigation ensuing from payments made, allocation of death benefits in respect of dependents found guilty of the murder of their parents, review of rules, and the liability of an administrator fund in respect of advice given to members. For reasons of confidentiality and legal privilege, the names of the funds and individuals and the precise nature of the advice given is not disclosed. Fasken Martineau advised a number of funds and individuals with a team led by Nigel Carman.


  • Nigel Carman, Counsel | Pensions and Benefits, Johannesburg, +27 11 586 6017,