Fasken acted as counsel for FortisBC Energy Inc. before the British Columbia Utilities Commission and in the BC Court of Appeal, in a dispute between the City of Coquitlam over the abandonment of a pipeline in municipal lands. The BCUC’s order in favour of FortisBC’s position was upheld on appeal.
Fasken represented FortisBC before the BCUC with a team led by Matthew Ghikas (Energy) and included Tariq Ahmed (Energy). In the Court of Appeal the team was led by Geoff Cowper, K.C. (Energy & Litigation) and included Tariq Ahmed (Energy) and Matthew Ghikas (Energy & Litigation).
Fasken represented FortisBC before the BCUC with a team led by Matthew Ghikas (Energy) and included Tariq Ahmed (Energy). In the Court of Appeal the team was led by Geoff Cowper, K.C. (Energy & Litigation) and included Tariq Ahmed (Energy) and Matthew Ghikas (Energy & Litigation).
- British Columbia