Acted for FortisBC Holdings Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Fortis Inc., in connection with the proposed sale to a wholly-owned subsidiary of Enbridge Inc. of a large underground natural gas storage facility in British Columbia for C$400 million. Fortis holds a 93.8 per cent interest in the Aitken Creek Gas Storage facility and a 100 per cent interest in the Aitken Creek North Gas Storage facility. The facilities connect to all three major long-haul natural gas transportation lines in Western Canada, including Enbridge’s Westcoast and Alliance pipelines.
Fasken advised FortisBC with a team comprised of Georald Ingborg, Ron Ezekiel, Sarah Gingrich, Perry Feldman, Zach Romano, Marco Maduri, Blaine Bowman, Samuel Kalmakoff (Mergers & Acquisitions), Michael Coburn and Christopher Ross (Tax), Carmine Boskovich (Real Estate), Michael Wolpert and Allyson Marta (Pensions) and Huy Do (Competition).
- British Columbia