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Lobbyist Registration and Lobbying Law

As lobbying laws evolve, it’s essential to keep up with the rules. A contravention could result in fines, damage your reputation or harm your business.
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Canada’s lobbying registration processes are among the most complex in the world and few Canadian legal practitioners focus on lobbying law. Fasken has the most widely-recognized experts  in this area, including the authors of  Lobbying in Canada, the definitive legal text on lobbying-law compliance.


Companies often do not know that in many jurisdictions in Canada, you have to register to do business with the government, or that some provincial governments impose fines on lobbyists for unnecessary reporting. We have a good knowledge of the different laws and nuances of enforcement across the country.


Some clients outsource their lobbyist registration filings to us and we work with other clients to develop organizational lobbying compliance policies. We facilitate robust training programs to ensure your employees know the rules and the potential consequences of contravention. We conduct compliance audits to identify and address risks associated with lobbying activities.


Our experience includes helping clients navigate “revolving-door” post-service limitations, representing former government officials who seek waivers and exemptions, and advising governments on lobbying-law reform. Our approach is always to advocate for a more open, transparent and effective lobbying regime.

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Primary Contacts
  • Guy W. Giorno, Partner | Leader, Political Law, Toronto, ON | Ottawa, ON, +1 613 696 6871,
  • Sean L. Morley, Partner | Infrastructure and Projects, Toronto, ON, +1 416 865 4362,





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