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Tariq Ahmed *

Partner | Litigation and Dispute Resolution Fasken
Energy and natural resources development are an important part of British Columbia’s economy – it’s exciting to assist clients with projects at all stages of their lifecycles.
Jurisdiction British Columbia, 2009
Language(s) English
Office(s) Vancouver
*Law Corporation
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Tariq Ahmed is a member of the Litigation and Dispute Resolution group. He frequently assists clients with matters related to energy regulation and construction disputes. In addition to representing clients before the courts, and in arbitrations and mediations, Tariq has assisted with matters before regulatory tribunals including the British Columbia Utilities Commission, the Alberta Utilities Commission, and the Canada Energy Regulator (formerly the National Energy Board).

Primarily advising clients in the energy and resources sectors, in addition to regulatory matters, Tariq also assists in matters relating to construction (particularly large projects), and general civil litigation.

Prior to his legal career, Tariq earned a degree in electrical engineering. Tariq has developed strong technical skills and a business-oriented approach to his work that enhances his law practice.

Tariq is a director and treasurer of the Young Professionals in Energy Vancouver chapter. Tariq was previously a convocation member of the Senate of the University of British Columbia Vancouver and the chair of its standing committee on Student Appeals on Academic Discipline for over six years.


Client Work

  • FortisBC Energy Inc. revised renewable gas program, [Case - FortisBC Energy Inc.], FortisBC Energy Inc. receives approval of a revised Renewable Natural Gas Program
  • FortisBC in BC Utilities Commission proceeding examining utility cost of capital., [Deal - FortisBC Energy Inc.], BC Utilities Commission examining utility cost of capital, return on equity and capital structure.
  • BC Hydro Fiscal 2023-2025 Revenue Requirements Application, [Case - British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority], BC Hydro to set its rates for a three year period
  • FortisBC and City of Coquitlam dispute over pipeline abandonment, [Case - FortisBC Energy Inc.], FortisBC and City of Coquitlam in pipeline abandonment dispute.
  • Successful defence of challenge to environmental assessment certificate for the Coastal GasLink Pipeline Project, [Case - Coastal Gaslink Pipeline Ltd.], Judicial review of extension environmental assessment certificate for the Coastal GasLink Pipeline Project.
  • FortisBC Inc. rate design and rates for electric vehicle fast charging service, [Case - FortisBC Inc.], FortisBC Inc. receives approval of rate design and rates for electric-vehicle direct-current fast-charging service for stations across its service territory.
  • FortisBC in a municipal energy utility inquiry, [Case - FortisBC Energy Inc.], BC Utilities Commission Inquiry into the Regulation of Municipal Energy Utilities.
  • FortisBC in a dispute regarding the relocation of gas infrastructure to accommodate a municipal project, [Case - FortisBC Energy Inc.], BC’s largest gas utility in its dispute with municipality.
  • Defense of a $14M USD claim brought against a major contractor by a material supplier, [Case - Major International Contractor], $14M USD claim brought by the material supplier

Career & Education


  • LLB University of British Columbia
  • BEng, Electrical Engineering University of Victoria

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