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Zackary Burashko Toronto Lawyer

Zackary Burashko

Partner | Corporate/Commercial Fasken
Jurisdiction Ontario, 2017
Language(s) English
Office(s) Toronto
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Zackary Burashko's practice focuses on infrastructure development, energy and project finance in Canada and the U.S.

Zackary regularly advises lenders, developers and contractors on all aspects of projects and project finance in the infrastructure and energy sectors. He has also advised public authorities, including the federal government for the Gordie Howe International Crossing Project and Infrastructure Ontario/Metrolinx for the various Ontario Line Subway Projects and has been at the forefront of the evolution of the progressive P3 model for projects in Ontario.

Zackary has advised the winning consortium on various projects, including the Miami-Dade County Civil and Probate Courthouse, the Belle Chasse Bridge & Tunnel Replacement Project and the Devenport RER Project. He also advised the lenders to the winning consortium on various projects, including the St. John’s Mental Health and Addictions Facility, Corner Brook Acute Care Hospital Project, Gatineau 2 Project, Energy Service Modernization Project, Abbotsford Law Courts and 401 Tunnel Project. He also advised the Ontario Ministry of Energy, Northern Development and Mines for the Wataynikaneyap Power Transmission Project.

At law school, Zackary worked as a caseworker in the University of Ottawa Community Legal Clinic and was a teaching assistant for the Dispute Resolution Practicum Course. Zackary also participated in the Richard Weiler Mediation Competition. 

Prior to joining the firm as an associate, Zackary articled at a boutique litigation firm.

Client Work

  • The I-10 Calcasieu River Bridge Public-Private Partnership Project, with a consortium led by Plenary Americas reaches financial close, [Deal - Plenary Americas], Plenary Americas, Acciona SA and Sacyr, S.A. reach Financial Close worth US$1,333,000,000 of the I-10 Calcasieu River Bridge Public-Private Partnership Project in Louisiana.
  • Advised on the Ontario Government’s accelerated build pilot program regarding the construction of long-term care homes, [Deal - Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation]
  • New Adult Mental Health & Addictions Facility Project, [Deal - Plenary Americas], Advised the funders in relation to the design, construction, financing and maintenance of the New Adult Mental Health & Addictions Facility in St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador.
  • Miami-Dade County Civil and Probate Courthouse Project, [Deal - Plenary Americas]
  • Wataynikaneyap Power Announces Financial Close and Issues Notice to Proceed on Wataynikaneyap Power Transmission Project, [Deal - Ontario Ministry of Energy, Northern Development and Mines]
  • Corner Brook Acute Care Hospital Project, [Deal - Plenary Americas], Advised the funders in relation to the design, construction, financing and maintenance of the Corner Brook Acute Care Hospital Project.
  • Library and Archives Canada's Gatineau 2 Project, [Deal - Plenary Americas], Advised the funders in relation to the design, construction, completion and financing of the Gatineau 2 Project.
  • Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority achieves financial close Gordie Howe International Bridge Project, [Deal - Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority]
  • Abbotsford Law Courts Project, [Deal - Plenary Americas], Advised the funders in relation to the design, construction, financing and maintenance of the Abbotsford Law Courts Project.

Career & Education


  • JD University of Ottawa
  • BA, Political Science McGill University

Community involvement

  • Volunteer Gratitude Bag 2014 to 2016

Memberships & Affiliations

  • Member Law Society of Upper Canada
  • Member Ontario Bar Association
  • Member Canadian Bar Association



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