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Dominic Chabot Parajuriste/Paralegal Québec

Dominic Chabot

Paralegal/Law Clerk | Corporate/Commercial Fasken
Language(s) French, English
Office(s) Québec City
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Dominic Chabot is part of the Corporate/Commercial Law group in Fasken's Quebec City office since 2011 as a senior paralegal in the areas of corporate transactions, financing and banking.

Dominic assists lawyers in the preparation of closing materials for various transactions including mergers, acquisitions and reorganizations from a tax and commercial perspective. He also conducts verifications of minute books as part of due diligence audits. In addition, he assists with closing preparations and closings and prepares documentation for clients and the firm's lawyers with respect to, notably, incorporations, organizations, amendments, continuances, amalgamations, dissolutions, share conditions, rollovers, estate freezes and other share transactions.

Dominic also participates in transactions in the context of financings and banking operations. As such, he participates in the drafting of agreements and other related documents for both lenders and borrowers. For the preparation of legal opinions issued by lawyers, Dominic analyzes the results of searches in various registers, including the Registre des droits personnels et réels mobilier, the court ledger, the register kept by the Superintendent of Bankruptcy, the Bank of Canada and the Personal Property Security Registration of other Canadian provinces, and summarizes them in reports he prepares for this purpose.

Career & Education


  • DCS, Paralegal Technology Bart College