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Capital Markets

Raise capital with confidence and trust.
Our clients benefit from our team’s depth of experience. We help companies succeed throughout their life cycle, supporting many from their IPO and extending beyond their capital markets transactional needs.
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We have experience in a wide range of industries in a multitude of regions. We’ll raise strategies that you might not have considered, creating better options to complete transactions on time and on budget.

We manage both equity and debt transactions. Our expertise includes IPOs, private placements and PIPEs, senior, high yield and convertible debt, retail structured products and hybrid products, rights offerings, capital pool companies (CPCs), investment funds and capital reorganizations.

While we work with large corporations issuing securities and investment banks underwriting deals, we also represent small and mid-cap companies and institutional investors. Our clients include many of the companies listed on the TSX, TSX-V, NEO, NYSE, LSE, JSE and AIM.

The mining, energy, life-science, communications and technology expertise at Fasken is recognized as among the best in Canada and South Africa.

We are also Canada’s market leader in Capital Markets thought leadership, providing comprehensive and timely insights across corporate finance, securities, IPOs, private placements and PIPEs – among other key developments in this ever-evolving sector. This includes our guide to IPOs and Going Public in Canada as well as our annual PIPE Deal Point Study. For all of Fasken’s Capital Markets insights and related thought leadership, please subscribe and visit our Capital Markets and M&A Knowledge Centre.

Raise capital with confidence, trust and efficiency.



Primary Contacts
  • Sarah Gingrich, Partner | CO-LEADER, CAPITAL MARKETS AND MERGERS & ACQUISITIONS (CM AND M&A), Calgary, AB, +1 587 233 4103,
  • Sean S. Stevens, Partner | Co-Leader, Capital Markets and Mergers & Acquisitions (CM and M&A), Toronto, ON, +1 416 868 3352,
  • Gesta A. Abols, Partner | Co-Leader, cross border and international practice, Toronto, ON, +1 416 943 8978,
  • Jean-Pierre Chamberland, Partner | Capital Markets, Montréal, QC, +1 514 397 5186,
  • Samuel Li, Partner | Mergers & Acquisitions, Vancouver, BC, +1 604 631 4890,
  • Caitlin Rose, Partner | Co-Leader, Private Equity, Montréal, QC, +1 514 397 5277,
  • John M. Sabetti, Partner | Mergers & Acquisitions, Toronto, ON, +1 416 865 4455,
  • Michael Teubes, Partner | Mergers & Acquisitions, Johannesburg, +27 11 586 6072,
  • Kareen A. Zimmer, Partner | Mergers & Acquisitions, Financial Services Regulatory, Vancouver, BC, +1 604 631 4775,

Client Work

  • AdvancedAG Inc. closes seed round financing led by Raven Indigenous Impact Fund II Limited Partnership, [Deal - AdvancedAG Inc.], AdvancedAG closes Seed Preferred Share Financing.
  • SCP Resource Finance LP and Desjardins Securities Inc. co-lead C$33.5 million private placement offering of units of Magna Mining Inc., [Deal - SCP Resource Finance LP], Independent broker dealer specializing in the global mining sector leads private placement transaction for Canadian mining and exploration company.
  • HONE Athletics completes Pre-Seed SAFE Financing, [Deal - Mindful Athletics Inc. (dba HONE Athletics)], HONE Athletics completes Pre-Seed SAFE Financing.
  • Middlefield’s E Split Corp. renews C$400 Million ATM (at-the-market) Equity Program, [Deal - Middlefield Limited], Equity income manager renews C$400 million At-The-Market Equity Program.
  • Middlefield’s Real Estate Split Corp. renews C$150 Million ATM (at-the-market) Equity Program, [Deal - Middlefield Limited], Equity income manager renews C$150 Million At-The-Market Equity Program.
  • Edesa Biotech completes US$15 million private placement, [Deal - Edesa Biotech, Inc.], Canadian clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company closes offering of Series B-1 convertible preferred shares and common shares priced at-the-market under Nasdaq Rules.
  • The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development completes AUS$5 million equity investment in Sarytogan Graphite Limited, [Deal - European Bank for Reconstruction and Development], EBRD acquires 17.3% equity interest in Sarytogan Graphite Limited
  • Beacon Securities Limited leads C$25.3 million bought deal public offering of Zedcor Inc., [Deal - Beacon Securities Limited], Independent global investment bank leads syndicate of underwriters in bought deal public offering of a technology-enabled physical security services company.
  • TD Securities Inc. leads a C$1 billion public offering of medium term notes (NVCC) by The Toronto-Dominion Bank, [Deal - TD Securities Inc.], Leading North American bank completes public offering of subordinated notes.





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