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Eric Simard

The business community is increasingly resorting to commercial arbitration as a dispute resolution method.
Jurisdiction Québec, 1996
Language(s) French, English
Office(s) Montréal
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Eric Simard is Co-leader of the national Litigation and Dispute Resolution group. He practices as a litigator in civil and commercial litigation. He acts primarily in complex litigation and defends clients during class actions. He also represents clients during injunction and safeguarding proceedings.

Eric regularly appears in arbitration matters and before the Superior courts, including the Supreme Court of Canada. In a world of globalization, a large number of foreign manufacturers and suppliers operating in Canada rely on Eric’s advice related to distribution agreements as well as contracts of enterprise and for services.

His is known for his relevant, sound advice and provides practical, innovative solutions to clients from the private, public and parapublic sectors.

Eric has written many articles and is routinely invited to speak on his areas of expertise. He was recognized by the prestigious Chambers Global as a leading lawyer in his area in Canada.


Client Work

  • The Superior Court of Québec dismisses an application for judicial review of the legislative and regulatory framework governing the financing of the REM, [Case - Autorité Régionale de Transport Métropolitain], Judicial review of the legislative and regulatory framework governing the financing of the REM.
  • McGill University Health Centre reaches financial close for Glen Campus P3 project, [Deal - Infrastructure Québec]
  • Infrastructure Quebec advises on US$470 million CHUM project, [Deal - Infrastructure Québec]
  • Dissolution and liquidation of a consortium and claims for damages, [Case - RSWI International]
  • Rogers Wireless Inc. v. Muroff, [Case - Rogers Wireless Inc.]
  • Alstom Canada Inc. v. Société de transport de Montréal, [Case - Société de transport de Montréal]
  • Robertson Building Systems Ltd. c. Constructions de la source inc., [Case - Robertson Building Systems]
  • Trudel c. Banque Nationale et al., [Case - Toronto-Dominion Bank]
  • Commercial and legal dispute of over $30 million between Thales Canada Inc. and Bombardier Inc., [Case - Thales Canada Inc.]

Career & Education


  • LLB Université Laval
  • Certificate, Political Science Université Laval

Community involvement

  • Member, Board of Directors, Port of Montreal

Memberships & Affiliations

  • Fellow, Construction Lawyers Society of America
  • Québec Bar
  • Canadian Bar Association
  • Board of Trade of Metropolitan Montréal


  • Reopening for Business: What to think about as you plan for the transition, 6/3/2020
  • Bill 26: Québec Takes Bold Steps to Recover Corruption Proceeds, 12/9/2014




  • The Superior Court of Québec Refuses to Authorize a Class Action against the Holy Cross Congregation and Saint-Joseph’s Oratory, 8/7/2015
  • Les dommages exigibles suite aux retards dans l'exécution de l'ouvrage, 11/25/2008
  • Double N Earthmovers Ltd. - A revolution in government contracting, 4/30/2007
Article The Superior Court of Québec Refuses to Authorize a Class Action against the Holy Cross Congregation and Saint-Joseph’s Oratory Litigation & Dispute Resolution Bulletin

Speaking Engagements

  • Droit des contrats et le nouveau visage de la Cour suprême du Canada : certains concepts clés revus et repensés, 5/8/2019
  • What you should know about injunctions and the new role of experts one year after the coming into force of the new Code of Civil Procedure, 5/10/2017
  • Liability in the context of pre-contractual negotiations, 5/7/2013
Speaker Droit des contrats et le nouveau visage de la Cour suprême du Canada : certains concepts clés revus et repensés 11e Symposium - Fasken location location Montréal, QC, Canada Palais des congrès de Montréal
What you should know about injunctions and the new role of experts one year after the coming into force of the new Code of Civil Procedure 9th Symposium - Fasken Martineau location location Palais des congrès de Montréal


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