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Webinar | Webinar Series

The Impact of COVID-19 on the Real Estate Industry

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The COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact our lives, the economy and business in a continuously evolving way.

The Fasken COVID-19 Webinar Series will bring topical insights from our lawyers across Canada twice a week every Tuesday and Thursday. The series will be pre-recorded. 

We will be presenting practical guidance in light of fast-moving legal, regulatory, transactional and board-level impacts and answering questions about COVID-19.

Register above for Real Estate in which we will cover the following topics:

Restructuring Leases: key elements to consider

This segment will explore key elements landlords and tenants should keep in mind when negotiating adjustments to their existing lease obligations.  We will consider strategies parties can deploy to ensure the concessions they grant yield overall net positive benefits to their businesses and properties, be it in the context of shopping centres or office environments. We will also outline certain governmental measures available to support landlords and tenants.

Managing litigation matters during COVID-19 – what is likely to be prioritized

Covid-19 has led to unprecedented constraints in accessing Ontario’s court system.  This session will explore how these issues impact real estate clients, including in the context of commercial lease remedies and disputes involving real estate transactions (which are among the few disputes still being heard by the Superior Court of Justice in certain circumstances).  This session will also provide an update on recent directions from the courts and explore alternative options for resolving disputes.

Real Estate Transactions during a Pandemic:  managing execution risk and virtual closings

This segment will focus on recommendations to manage execution risk of existing transactions and best practices for new transactions in the COVID-19 context.  We will consider the impacts of key contractual mechanisms on parties’ obligations to achieve closings, including conditions precedent, representations and warranties, estoppel requirements and exculpatory provisions.  We will also consider adaptations purchasers and vendors may  want to make to their transactional documentation to reflect the new reality of virtual due diligences, to tailor conditions and to adapt to purely  virtual closings.

Practical Tax Planning to Consider During an Economic Downturn

This segment will discuss tax planning opportunities that are arising from the pandemic – largely as a result of falling values of assets but also things like tax considerations for managing liquidity moving cash around the corporate group, loss utilization planning, etc.

For CPD/CLE in other jurisdictions, please contact your local Law Society.


This is a pre-recorded webinar.

Event contacts

Raphaëlle Genest Marketing Events Specialist +1 514 657 8281
Lauren Klostermann Marketing Events Specialist +1 416 943 8976
Justin Mui Marketing Events Specialist +1 604 631 3296
Sonia Declair Marketing Coordinator +1 403 261 8495


  • Robert Iaccino, Partner | Real Estate Law, Toronto, ON, +1 416 868 3445,
  • Jacques Eddé, Partner | Real Estate Law, Montréal, QC, +1 514 397 5173,
  • Christopher Steeves, Partner | Leader, Tax Law, Toronto, ON, +1 416 868 3401,
  • Sarah J. Turney, Partner | Real Estate Law, Toronto, ON, +1 416 865 4542,
  • Nicolas Leblanc, Partner | Real Estate, Montréal, QC, +1 514 397 5262,
  • Félix-Olivier Hébert, Associate | Real Estate, Montréal, QC, +1 514 397 5143,
  • Catherine-Anne Goldrick, Partner | Real Estate, Montréal, QC, +1 514 397 5153,