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In-Person Seminar

Summit on Municipal and Expropriation Law

Presentation in French only
When (ET)
Where Fasken Montreal
800 Rue du Square-Victoria,
Montréal, QC
H3C 0B4
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Presentation in French only

For this second edition of the Sommet en droit municipal et expropriation (Summit on Municipal and Expropriation Law), in addition to the expected annual case law review, the Fasken team will be giving two panel presentations on two current issues, namely: the reform of the Expropriation Act based on recent proceedings in the National Assembly and the adoption by the Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal (CMM) of its draft Plan métropolitain d’aménagement et de développement (PMAD) (Metropolitan Land Use and Development Plan), which will substantially reform certain zoning rules applicable to the Greater Montréal area.


  • 2:00 PM : Welcome and opening remarks
  • 2:30 PM : Recent decisions in municipal law and property development
  • 4:00 PM : 15 minute break
  • 4:15 PM : Panel discussions
  • 6 PM : Cocktail

Recent decisions selected based on subjects chosen by the public regarding planning and zoning issues (answer the questions section in the registration form!)

At the 2022 Fasken Summit on Municipal and Urban Planning Law, several participants raised very relevant questions, and we ran out of time to answer them. This year, we have devoted an entire segment to topics chosen by those in attendance to address recent court rulings on urban planning and zoning. Our lawyers Guillaume Pelegrin and Frédéric Legendre will review the latest developments in case law to answer your questions.

    PANEL 1 – Bill 22: An Act Respecting Expropriation – Summary of the latest developments and parliamentary stages

Bill 22 is currently before the Committee on Transportation and the Environment of the Québec National Assembly for a detailed study, section by section. A number of stakeholders submitted briefs during the special consultations in September 2023, some of which may be of concern to Québec real estate owners and developers.

Our lawyers Nikolas Blanchette and Mina Bakkioui will present the latest developments in the parliamentary commission. This will be followed by a discussion of the philosophy and problematic provisions of the Bill with Nikolas Blanchette and a guest speaker.

PANEL 2 – The draft Metropolitan Land Use Development Plan (PMAD) revised by the Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal (CMM) 

On September 6, 2023, after several years of delays and the controversial adoption of three interim control regulations that, in the opinion of many, disguised the expropriation of a significant proportion of undeveloped land in the Greater Montréal area, the CMM finally adopted its first draft PMAD.

If adopted as is, this new PMAD will lead to major changes in the zoning applicable to the CMM territory, particularly by strengthening natural environment protection requirements and providing for a significant increase in the density of certain sectors.

Our lawyers Guillaume Pelegrin and Frédéric Legendre, along with a guest speaker, will dissect this massive document of over 250 pages to give you the scoop on the substantial changes to come.

Our conferences are recognized as continuing professional education activities by the Barreau du Québec.

A confirmation of participation will be sent to you for your continuing education hours with the Barreau du Québec.


  • Guillaume Pelegrin, Partner | Litigation and Dispute Resolution, Montréal, QC, +1 514 397 7411,
  • Mina Bakkioui, Partner | Litigation and Dispute Resolution, Montréal, QC, +1 514 397 7656,
  • Frédéric Legendre, Partner | Litigation and Dispute Resolution, Montréal, QC, +1 514 397 7616,