Fasken is pleased to release its Canadian Proxy Contest Study - 2019 Update.
Our 2019 Update offers a review of proxy contest activity in Canada over the past year and follows on from our ground-breaking 2013 Canadian Proxy Contest Study and our annual updates.
Highlights from this year's update include:
- The number of contests reached a four-year high
- Dissidents are winning – but not always the full victory they are looking for
- Mining companies are under siege
If you are interested in the current state of hostile bids in Canada, we recommend reading our 2015 Canadian Hostile Take-Over Bid Study, which provided an empirical analysis of all 143 hostile bids for control of a Canadian-listed issuer over the ten-year period ending 2014, as well as our analysis of hostile bid activity since the 2016 changes to the bid regime.
You may also be interested in our Directors' Handbook: Shareholder Activism, which provides practical guidance for public company directors and boards looking to bolster their defence against activists.
Download the 2019 Canadian Proxy Content Study (PDF, 1.9MB)