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Robert M. Lonergan, Counsel | Indigenous Legal Matters

Robert M. Lonergan

Counsel | Indigenous Legal Matters Fasken
Our community must develop and grow, but that gets more difficult every day. To successfully manage the regulatory and environmental approval process and move forward, a person who wishes to build our community requires deliberate, intelligent action and perseverance. The same is required of that person’s lawyer.
Jurisdiction British Columbia, 1992
Language(s) English
Office(s) Vancouver
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Rob Lonergan is a recognized environmental law lawyer practicing in Fasken's Vancouver office. Environmental assessment and environmental, energy and transportation regulation and litigation are Rob's specialties. He also has experience in Indigenous litigation.

He acts principally for energy companies, public utilities and resource oil and gas companies, marine terminal operators, commercial carriers (rail, truck and marine), and mining companies.

When not advising clients, you will find Rob outside, usually running or riding his bike.


Client Work

  • Site C Litigation, [Case - BC Hydro and Power Authority], Advised BC Hydro & Power Authority on a number of challenges to Site C project approvals.
  • Significant Fisheries Act Prosecution arising from a large expansion project at the Port of Prince Rupert, [Case - DP World Prince Rupert Inc.]
  • R. v. Prince Rupert Port Authority et al, [Case - DP World Prince Rupert Inc.]
  • CPR environmental issues, [Deal - Canadian Pacific Railway]
  • StewardChoice Enterprises in stewardship plan for paper and product packaging to the BC Ministry of Environment, [Deal - ​StewardChoice Enterprises Inc.]
  • Yukon Zinc successfully completes restructuring and emerges from CCAA protection, [Deal - ​Yukon Zinc]
  • Ongoing litigation-related matters for Mount Polley Mining Corporation and Imperial Metals Corporation, [Case - Imperial Metals Corporation and Mount Polley Mining Corporation], We represent Mount Polley Mining Corporation and Imperial Metals Corporation in multiple litigation-related files relating to the tailings dam for the Mount Polley mine, which collapsed in August 2014.
  • Site C Project Regulatory Advice, [Case - BC Hydro and Power Authority], Advised BC Hydro & Power Authority with various regulatory advice on the Site C project.
  • Major resource company counselled on environmental spill, [Deal - Confidential Client]

Career & Education


  • LLB University of British Columbia
  • MSc Simon Fraser University
  • BSc Simon Fraser University

Community involvement

  • Past Director, Athletics Canada Foundation, Athletics Canada
  • Pro Bono Work: Legal counsel to several local, provincial and national amateur sport organizations on various issues including government relations and funding issues, doping in sport, employee and athlete discipline, and event risk management

Memberships & Affiliations

  • Maritime, Environmental, Administrative and Aboriginal Law Sections of the Canadian Bar Association
  • American Bar Association
  • Canadian Maritime Law Association
  • Associate Member, Association of Average Adjusters of Canada


  • Something Old, Something New: Canada’s Proposed Impact Assessment Act, 3/22/2018




Speaking Engagements

  • Canada's New Impact Assessment Act, 11/5/2019
  • Bill C-69: The new Canadian Energy Regulator and Impact Assessment Agency – What lies ahead?, 5/6/2019
  • Environmental Legislative Updates, 1/17/2019
Speaker Canada's New Impact Assessment Act Fasken Symposium 2019 location location Vancouver, BC
Moderator Bill C-69: The new Canadian Energy Regulator and Impact Assessment Agency – What lies ahead? CAMPUT location location Calgary, AB
Environmental Legislative Updates location location Vancouver, BC


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