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Revera Inc. upholds termination for just cause for unionized employee in resident abuse case

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Revera Inc.

Revera Inc. operates a long-term care home with a secure unit for residents with severe dementia, cognitive impairment and/or behavioural issues.

One of its long term care aides was accused of physically abusing an elderly resident. The resident in question had dementia, was unable to verbalize coherently, and was often resistant to care. The abuse occurred while the grievor was providing care during the night shift. The grievor slapped the resident’s mouth in contravention of the policies and obligations of care and failed to be forthcoming and express remorse.

Fasken advised and represented Revera Inc. with a team comprised of Marc Rodrigue (lead counsel), working with Vincent Rocheleau. 



  • Alberta


  • Marc Rodrigue, Partner | Labour, Employment & Human Rights, Toronto, ON, +1 416 865 4518,