While healthcare services are increasingly being provided in the community, hospitals and other health facilities continue to be necessary providers of acute chronic and rehabilitation healthcare.
Hospitals, care homes, independent health facilities and hospices have specific legal responsibilities, strategic needs and operational realities. Apart from delivering their primary mandate of patient care, facilities are expected to operate within funding envelopes and meet the needs of the communities they serve. The pressure to manage risk and maintain a good reputation can be enormous.
We can assist with any legal challenge that might crop up, including some that you might not be aware of as you initially review situations. Whether you need advice on research, assisted death, privacy or other policies, patient rights, employment issues or licenses, we can help.
Fasken acts for hundreds of healthcare facilities across Canada such as private and public health sector organizations as well as non-profits and corporations whose activities intersect with the system. Our clients include hospitals, health authorities, long-term care homes, health professionals and their regulatory colleges, home care companies and independent health facilities among others.
Fasken is recognized for our large team, deep experience and trusted relationships with a wide range of sector clients in each of our regional markets, as well as national-level expertise. We share ideas and collaborate with clients wherever and whenever we can.
Subscribe to our “Health Law Bulletin”, browse some of the recent healthcare work we’ve assisted with or contact any of our lawyers to learn more.