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Ancillary Revenue - Social Enterprise

We help clients navigate the intersecting regulations, guidelines, directives and policies that govern these activities, creating practical business structures and collaborating with clients and other stakeholder to create innovative solutions.
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Diversified revenue sources can offset rising costs and reduced government funding in many hospitals and health regions


Social enterprises or ancillary revenue activities offer viable options to do this.


Fasken can help you establish social enterprises and/or ancillary revenue activities. You might do this directly or through a division, subsidiary or other related corporation, partnership or trust. Sometimes, a non-profit or charitable entity is the most appropriate option.


Our services include selecting the appropriate corporate structure, creating governance policies in light of public sector accountability rules and organizing compliance procedures. We also provide advice regarding financing, regulatory matters, distribution of revenue, employment and licensing agreements and  tax issues.


We act for private and public health sector organizations as well as non-profits and corporations whose activities intersect with the system. Our clients include hospitals, health authorities, long-term care homes, healthcare professionals and their regulatory colleges, home care companies and independent health facilities among others.


What distinguishes Fasken is our large, cross-Canada team. Our lawyers have deep experience and trusted relationships with a wide range of health sector clients in each of our regional markets, as well as national-level expertise. We share ideas and collaborate with clients wherever and whenever we can.


Subscribe to our “Health Law Bulletin”, browse some of the recent healthcare work we’ve assisted with or contact any of our lawyers to learn more.


Primary Contacts
  • Lynne Golding, Partner | CO-LEADER, HEALTH LAW GROUP, Toronto, ON, +1 416 865 5166,
  • Mathieu Gagné, Partner | Co-Leader, Life Sciences, Montréal, QC, +1 514 397 7657,
  • Shahrooz Nabavi, Partner | Co-Leader, Technology, Media and Telecommunications, Vancouver, BC, +1 604 631 4910,


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