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Victory for Groupe Conseil CGAS in a dispute over the disclosure of personal information

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Groupe Conseil CGAS


Fasken successfully represented the interests of Groupe Conseil CGAS in the context of an examination of a disagreement under section 42 of the Act respecting the protection of personal information in the private sector.

Our team demonstrated that the request for a disagreement examination should be rejected by the Commission d’accès à l’information, insofar as the applicant’s personal information held by CGAS was related to the volunteer activities carried out by its president in his personal capacity at the Canadian Institute of Actuaries (CIA). In other words, the personal information about the applicant was not collected or used and is not held in connection with the activities of the company.

In this context, the Commission concludes that the claimant approached the wrong company. Rather, the CIA is responsible for responding to a request for access to personal information it holds about the requester. Consequently, the applicant’s right of access to his personal information is not applicable against CGAS since it is not held in the context of its operation as required by section 1 of the Act Respecting the Protection of Personal Information in the Private Sector.

A Fasken team made up of Kateri-Anne Grenier, Antoine Aylwin and Aya Barbach represented Groupe Conseil CGAS on this matter.


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  • Kateri-Anne Grenier, Partner | CO-LEADER, PRIVACY & CYBERSECURITY, Québec, QC, +1 418 640 2040,