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Bronson Consulting Group disputes federal government decision related to C$1 billion procurement contract, raising issues regarding duty of fairness to bidders

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Bronson Consulting Group

Bronson Consulting Group ("Bronson") bid on a procurement contract, approximately C$1 billion in value, for Canadian Visa Application Centres around the world. Despite Bronson having emerged as the winner, the federal government cancelled the procurement before the contract was awarded. The government then re-issued the procurement, making changes to the process that favoured the incumbent. Furthermore, a competitor of Bronson learned about Bronson’s financial bid. Bronson believes that this information was leaked to the competitor by the government, as the information could not have been determined otherwise. The contract was ultimately awarded to the incumbent, after the re-procurement.

Bronson brought a proceeding before the Federal Court and a companion proceeding before the Canadian International Trade Tribunal (CITT). An action before the Ontario Superior Court of Justice has now been commenced and is well underway.

Fasken represents Bronson in these proceedings with a team led by Peter Mantas and including Nabila Abdul Malik and Gabrielle Cyr.


  • Ontario


  • Peter N. Mantas, Partner | Litigation and Dispute Resolution, Ottawa, ON | London, +1 613 696 6886,
  • Nabila Abdul Malik, Partner | International Trade and Investment Law, Ottawa, ON | London, +1 613 696 6912,
  • Gabrielle Cyr, Associate | Litigation and Dispute Resolution, Ottawa, ON, +1 613 696 6902,