Executing on a merger, acquisition or sale offers myriad benefits, but carries significant implications that must be carefully considered and accounted for. One such key impact is to your workforce. This impact will be felt on your workforce composition, compensation packages, employment contracts, and your corporation’s pension and benefits obligations.
Legislative provisions and common or civil law requirements create obligations and potential liabilities which must be taken into consideration in all forms of commercial transaction, including mergers, acquisitions, sale (in part or whole), and insolvency-related transactions.
Guided by a comprehensive understanding of our clients’ priorities and key objectives for their commercial transaction, our LEHR lawyers work cross-functionally with the Firm’s M&A, insolvency and commercial lawyers to create solutions that offer lasting value for our clients. We are involved in strategic planning, due diligence, negotiation of transaction agreements, and drafting employment contracts and other employment-related agreements. We identify potential risks and design transition strategies and action plans to contain those risks. If or when terminations are unavoidable, we will structure layoffs or redundancies to align with your company’s goals and minimize liability.
Our LEHR team advises local, national and multinational companies in every type of commercial transaction. Whether you are considering a merger, acquisition or sale of your business, contact our team of experienced labour, employment and human rights lawyers to work with you to get the deal done.
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