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In-Person Seminar | Pre-recorded Webinar | Hybrid

Are you ready for June 1, 2025? Learn how Bill 96 will impact your trademarks

When (ET)
Where Fasken Montreal
800, Square-Victoria Street, Suite 3500,
Montreal, QC
H3C 0B4
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This conference is available in French only.

New language rules for signage and product packaging will apply in Québec as of June 1, 2025. Many trademark owners and users will be affected, as will distributors and retailers operating in Québec. These new rules mean that many businesses will have to make changes to outdoor signs and product packaging.

This conference will cover how to comply with the new language requirements under the Charter of the French Language with regard to public signage, product packaging and trademarks, as well as the penalties for any non-compliance. With only a few months left, it's time to act!

Our panellists, Jean-Philippe Mikus, Amélie Béliveau and Eliane Ellbogen, will discuss key elements of the legislative changes and provide you with insight on navigating exceptions that may apply.


  • 8h - 8h30 - Arrival of participants and breakfast
  • 8h30 - Login
  • 8h30 - 10h - Presentation and question period


This training is offered courtesy of Fasken. 

Our conferences are recognized as continuing professional education activities by the Barreau du Québec.

Event contact

Fasken Events + 1 514 397 7508


  • Jean-Philippe Mikus, Partner | Trademark Agent | Intellectual Property, Montréal, QC, +1 514 397 5176,
  • Amélie Béliveau, Partner | Trademark Agent | Trademarks, Montréal, QC, +1 514 397 4340,
  • Eliane Ellbogen, Associate | Trademark agent, Montréal, QC, +1 514 397 5130,
