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Symposium 2021 - Climate Change Compendium: Corporate Net-Zero Targets, Climate Change Litigation, Green Finance and More!

Environmental Social Governance | Corporate Commercial
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Climate change is an increasingly mainstream issue for Canadian business, either as a result of its physical effects, access to capital and markets, the vocal efforts of mainstream ESG investors or climate activists, or Canada’s ever more stringent regulatory responses. This session tackles three key topics relevant to Canadian companies and their legal advisors as they seek to navigate a business landscape in transition: (i) voluntary corporate climate change targets and strategies; (ii) the risks and opportunities for companies of increasingly climate-aligned financial markets; and (iii) the emergent risks of climate litigation for Canadian companies.

This webinar will provide actionable insights on how companies can operationalize climate change commitments, how such voluntary efforts are being assessed by ESG investors and financial markets, and recent trends in climate change litigation.


Symposium home page.

Renseignements sur l'événement

Justin Mui Spécialiste, Événements marketing +1 604 631 3296

Conférenciers invités / Conférencières invitées

Conférenciers / Conférencières

  • Kai Alderson, Associé | Affaires juridiques relatives aux Autochtones, Responsabilité sociale d’entreprise, Vancouver, BC, +1 604 631 4956,
  • Andrew I. Nathanson, c.r., Associé | Litiges et résolution de conflits, Vancouver, BC, +1 604 631 4908,